Messages from Jesus and other Celestial Angels. December 25th, - TopicsExpress


Messages from Jesus and other Celestial Angels. December 25th, 1915 I am here, Jesus. I come tonight, because I see that you are lonesome and feel the need of companionship. I come to you as a brother and friend, to cheer you, and make you feel that though you have no mortal friend with you, yet you have a friend in the spirit who is closer than a mortal brother and who Loves you with a deep and abiding Love. Today has been one in which the people of your land have celebrated, what they suppose is my birthday, and have also worshiped me as one of the triune Godhead, as they believe. As I have told you before, such worship is all wrong, and is very distasteful to me. Only makes me the more anxious and determined that this great falsehood shall be exposed, and not believed in any longer. There is Only One God! That is the Father. He Alone must be worshiped, for He Alone can save mortals from the results of their sins, and from the consequences of the Great Fall of the First Parents. I do not want humans to look upon me as anything more than an elder brother, who is filled with the Divine Love of the Father, and very close to Him in the Qualities of Love and Faith. I am a spirit, who is possessed of a Knowledge of the Attributes of the Father, that no other spirit is. Yet I am only one of His Children, as you and the rest of humankind are. For my own brothers and sisters to worship me as god, makes me very unhappy, seeing that they can have such a little Knowledge of the Truths of the Father. Tomorrow this worship and praise will be continued. I must look upon it with all the distaste that I have, and realize that I am not able to set humans aright in their beliefs and worship. Oh, I tell you the harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few. Very soon, I hope this Truth of the Oneness of God, and the brotherhood of myself with all humanity, may be revealed to humankind, through the messages that you may receive, and transmit to humans. The One Great Truth that is the Foundation of Humans Salvation is the New Birth. The fact that the Divine Love of the Father is waiting for every human to let it enter their soul and make them At-One with the Father. I am with you very often. I am trying to impress you with the great necessity of having these Truths revealed, as humans souls are longing for the Truth. Their intellects are dissatisfied with the present teachings of theology, and the sayings of the Bible, in many places. While this is to be deplored, yet the time will come when the Light that I came into the World to disclose, will shine for every human who may come within the reach of my teachings. Last night, I was reading (with you), as you read an article, which advocated the eliminating from the Christian teachings, of a large part of the New, and nearly the whole of the Old Testament, and the formulating of a Faith, based entirely on my sayings and the writings of some of the Bible writers. Such a plan is one that should be investigated by the thinking Christians of the present day, and in a modified way adopted. The only difficulty in carrying out this plan effectively, and having it produce the results desired, is that the Bible does not contain many sayings of mine disclosing the Truths, and does contain many sayings attributed to me, which I never said. Take that saying over which a controversy is now being had, which is referred to in another article contained in the book mentioned. That is, that I said, I came not to bring peace to the World, but rather a sword. Now, while it appears in Matthews Gospel as coming from me, I never said it, nor used any expression that would convey the meaning that some of the commentators are endeavoring to place upon the words. I never taught war upon a humans neighbors. Never at any time was such a thought a part of my teachings to the disciples, or to any others. No, militarism is all wrong, and against all the precepts of Truth. It should not, for a moment, be believed by any Christian, or by any one else, that such action was ever advocated by me. While the Truth will cause a division, as I know, among humans, as to what the Truth is, and may even separate and cause bitter thoughts, even hatred, to arise in the souls of humans towards their fellow humans. Even brother may come to dislike brother. Yet the accomplishing of such results was not the object of my coming to Earth and teaching the Truths. Rather are the results of the unavoidable conflict between Truth and error. Truth cannot compromise, even for the sake of peace. Error will not submit, or acknowledge its untruth, so long as it can get any mortal to believe in and advocate it. Because of the Great Gift of free will to human, Truth itself, with all the power and knowledge of the Father back of it, will not compel a human to accept it against their will. Hence, as human is very fallible, and thinks and believes according as their finite, mental faculties convince them that a certain thing is, or is not True, they will not be willing to surrender their convictions, until the Truth shall come to them, in such a way as to persuade them of its Reality. As humans differ so much in the operations of their minds and reasoning faculties, there will necessarily be a great division among them as to what is and what is not true. Hence, there will arise disputes and hatred, even wars, among them in maintaining their respective beliefs and opinions as to what is Truth. While these feelings of discord must necessarily follow the advent of Truth, yet I did not come for the purpose of bringing a sword, but for the purpose of showing humans what the Truths are, and of causing harmony and belief in these Truths. Never is hatred, discord, or war, among humans, justified, no matter what the cause. If humans will only learn, the Truth, there will never exist such feelings, or acts. Truth is of itself. A thing apart. Admits of no variations, or modifications. Hence, the minds of humans must submit to, and embrace Truth. It will never accommodate itself to the beliefs of humans. One is fixed and unchangeable. The other is always changeable, and until founded on a knowledge of the Truth, will at sometime or other have to change. Because, in the end, Truth will be established in the hearts and minds of humans, so that Harmony and Peace shall reign in All Gods Universe. Error does not exist in the World because God created it, or permits it to exist. But solely because there belongs to human an unrestricted will, which controls and influences their thoughts and acts, which in turn is influenced by the desires and appetites of the mortal. I know it is said that if God did not permit evil and carnal thoughts and desires to exist in the World, there would be no reason or possibility for human to exercise their will, in a way that would bring them to all these feelings of hatred, etc., that I speak of. This is merely saying that if a human had not the power of free will, they would commit no sin, and indulge in no error. For you must know, that in their Creation, they were given, not only the privilege and the power, under certain conditions, to become a being entirely free from sin, which is merely the violation of Gods established Laws, but also the privilege and power to violate these Laws. As they will, so shall they be. Everything in Nature may be turned into an instrument of harm, if the Laws, which establish the functionings and workings of these things are violated. Sin, as an abstract thing, does not exist. Is the result of disobedience to some Law, whose operations, in conformity to its Creation, must be pursued, and should always be pursued. Humans who violate it must suffer the consequences of such violation. Mortals may not fully realize that every Law carries with it a penalty for its violation. This applies to the smallest Law in the Material Universe, as well as to the Greatest Law in the Spiritual Kingdom. This penalty is just as sure in its operation as is the Law itself. A human may be Created, physically, almost perfect. So long as they live in that way, which does not violate some physical Law, which is operating to keep them in that physical perfection, they will suffer no pain, or inharmony in their being. But just as soon as they do violate this Law, the penalty therefore asserts itself, and they suffer. Now this arises not because there was existing in the abstract any pain or suffering. Had not human violated this Law, they would never have known that there was such a thing as pain or suffering. When they did violate the Law, there came into operation the penalty, which, as I said, is always the result of violating the Laws of Harmony. The same Principle applies to the Moral and Spiritual Universe. As I said, there is no such thing as sin or error in the abstract. For so long as a mortal may know and follow the Truth, they will never realize the existence of any such thing as sin or error. But the moment that Law of Truth is violated, the penalty asserts itself. Human realizes that sin and error do exist. Not as an abstract entity, but as a concrete sensitive thing, which will continue to exist, until the violation of that Law ceases, and Harmony, in its operation is again restored, or rather until human in their thoughts and acts is brought into Harmony with the operations of the Law. So you see, God did not create, or permit, sin or error to exist, in the sense that it is an independent entity, waiting to influence humans to do wrong, and violate His Laws of Perfect Harmony. But rather that when humans, in the exercise of their will, which He will not compel, violates one of His Laws, and thereby, as to themselves, interferes with that Harmony, they cause the inharmony to arise, which brings with it the pains and sufferings, and sins and errors, which are prevalent in the World. Let humans think, if they can, of sin or error in the abstract, and then try to describe it. What is the result? Only vacuity. So I say, God did not create sin or error, but gave to human that Great Gift of Will, free and not subject to His Control. Then human became the responsible being that they are. In giving human this Great Gift, He did not relinquish, or subordinate, His Will to that of human. Nor did He confer upon human the power to change, or modify, His Immutable Laws, which He, Himself, will not do. Within the limitations, that human can exercise their will, that is when such exercise does not interfere with the Will of God, or His Laws, human may exercise that will with impunity, and without responsibility, as it were. But when in the exercise of that will, they infringe upon the Will of God, or violates one of His Laws, then, while human is not controlled in the exercise of his will, yet for such violation they must pay the penalty, which such violation calls into operation. God has decreed that His Universe shall be one of Harmony in its workings, and that no human shall destroy, or interfere with, that Harmony. No human can. But as human is a part of that Harmony, their every act, which tends to interfere therewith, and it does not, except as to them self, brings upon them self the penalty of that interference. Let a human who has violated this Harmony, and thereby as to them self, becomes inharmonious, again get into that Harmony, and as to him there would be no sin or error. Let every human do this, and there would be no sin or error in All Gods Universe. So, I repeat, there is no sin or error, in the abstract, in all the Universe. They appear, only when human, in the exercise of their will, interferes, as to them self, in the Harmony of Gods Laws. It makes no difference what the cause of this interference may be, or in what way the will of human may have been exercised, or for what reason, to bring about this inharmony. The effect is the same. Because Harmony and inharmony cannot exist together, no matter what the cause may be. No matter, that in one case the cause may appear excusable, or even apparently forced on the individual. The excuse for, or apparent justification of, the cause, will not make what is inharmonious unite and work in Unison with Gods Laws of Harmony. Hence, the human whose will may be excused in the way mentioned by reason of heredity, or environments, or want of proper mental, or moral, instruction is just as much out of Harmony with the violated Law, as is the human who willfully violates the Law. The penalty must be enforced just the same in each case, as the only remedy is the restoration of the Harmony. There is this difference between the individuals of what may be called, the involuntary class, and the individuals of the voluntary class. The former will find it easier, and with more rapidity, to get into this condition of Harmony, than will the latter. So humans must not accuse God in permitting sin and error to exist in the World, as they do not exist, except as human brings them into existence by the wrongful exercise of their will. All sin and error bring their sufferings. If there were no sufferings, and humans were permitted to exercise their wills, irrespective of the Laws, which govern the Universe, without incurring the penalties, then the only result would be that anarchy would prevail in all Gods Universe where humans live, and in the Spirit Universe as well. For the will, and its great franchise of unrestricted exercise, pass with the mortal when they leave their material body. So with all my Love, I will say goodnight. Your brother and friend, Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:46:36 +0000

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