.Methods to increase Dopamine pathways in our brain. .If you - TopicsExpress


.Methods to increase Dopamine pathways in our brain. .If you suffer ADHD amphetamines and methylphenidate are stimulants that either inhibit the increase of Dopamine or inhibit its release. This allows extra Dopamine to focus on the important tasks in your life helping with impulsive actions and via stimulation decreases restlessness and hyperactivity. You can increase Dopamine in a number of ways with ADHD and non-ADHD. Who loves caffeine? I certainly do its one of the best known worldwide stimulant and legal after your first cup of coffee in the morning dont you feel excited and stimulated, .Caffeine increases Dopamine transmission in our brain via blocking the P1 receptor (adenosine) receptor the chemical adenosine is what makes us feel sleepy when you consume caffeine you block the adenosine receptor this leaves the brain feeling stimulated and as a result other neurotransmitters are triggered Dopamine is increased in the (PFC) Prefrontal Cortex and you feel motivated and wired when you have caffeine and your pupils dilate as Dopamine increase is associated with Pupil dilation. .Chocolate is the second one that gives you a Dopamine high. Chocolate contains a chemical thiamine and Phenethylamine and this increases Dopamine in the Substantia nigra and you feel brighter and happier and most of all pleasurable. Your favorite Music also gives you a big dose of Dopamine in your brain and makes you euphoric and you feel as though your in a trance Bananas have a excellent ability to replenish (recharge) Dopamine in the brain and in all areas. Bananas have high amounts of L-tyrosine which is converted into Dopamine in the body when digested. These methods are also recommended when in ADHD with stimulant medications and thus helps reduce tolerance. Caffeine intake is to be moderate when receiving Stimulant medications, Folic Acid is recommended on a daily basis to help with Dopamine pathways in the brain. Folic acid helps with DNA production and helps keep Dopamine Axon and terminals healthy and helps keep the Dopamine receptors healthy and of free radicals. If your looking for a Dopamine boost right now go for a run around the block and you will increase Dopamine and you will as a result release endorphins and you will feel euphoric and you will have Dopamine high and a endorphins high. .endorphins bind the opioid receptor and as a result triggers Dopamine Release.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:28:12 +0000

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