Mga environmental activists sa Nevada, US nakisangkot sa Marcopper - TopicsExpress


Mga environmental activists sa Nevada, US nakisangkot sa Marcopper case sa Nevada Nevada, US activists keen on progress of Marinduque vs Barrick case Activists in Nevada are getting behind the case filed by the Marinduque provincial government against Barrick Gold in Nevada. This is so because many mining communities in the said state have also been badly affected by Barricks operations, in particular indigenous Shoshone peoples who have suffered because of losses. Their struggle, like those of the people of Marinduques struggle that also rings true to many mining communities in the Philippines, also involve law suits. The Coalition for Nevadas Wildlife actively involved in the awareness campaign against destructive mining activities in Nevada is currently engaged in fighting against a proposed expansion of the Bald mining operations by Barrick that could have serious negative impacts to the Ruby Mountain mule deer herd. The Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN), a known cohesive force for social and environmental justice joins the Coalition for Nevada’s Wild in their current struggle, also highlighting the case against Barrick to stand in solidarity with the people of Marinduque. Mine expansion threat to Nevada mule deer herd The Ruby Mountain deer herd is the largest and most important deer resource in the state, comprising approximately 22 to 24 percent of Nevada’s entire deer population. Between deep, open-pit mines, ore and waste rock stockpiles, and haul routes, the proposed mine expansion will disturb almost the entire cross section of the mountain range. Migration corridors along the eastern side of the range have been agreed to, but the main western corridor is in dispute. A convoluted “pathway” between open pits and stockpiles is proposed by Barrick (who objects to the terminology of “migration corridor” because of implications of required mitigation). An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared according to the coalition, but so far Barrick: • · Is refusing to pay for impacts of loss of winter range in areas proposed to be destroyed by mining activity. • · Opposes inclusion of Nevada Department of Wildlifes (NDOW), recent collaring data of mule deer movements into the EIS. • · Refuses any adaptive management to change their operations if future data indicates serious impacts are occurring. • · Has hired outside consultants to refute NDOW data and conclusions. • · Questioned NDOW, authority in the delineation of Seasonal Distribution Maps that show large amounts of crucial winter range being present in areas of proposed disturbance. • · Barrick analysis has concluded negative impact to springs and other water resources upon which wildlife is dependent. WHAT NEVADA SPORTSMEN AND CONSERVATIONISTS DO FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF WILDLIFE AND HABITAT Native, vegetated, undisturbed corridors are vital to the preservation of this deer herd. In mild winters, herds will survive. However, harsh winters with deep snow is another matter altogether. Deer only have so much fat stored to allow a successful migration to winter areas. If the migration route is interrupted, deer cannot readily find their way through and mill around, thereby unnecessarily expending energy and fat reserves. Much greater winter kill can result. The Coalition for Nevada’s Wildlife will be serving the Nevada Department of Wildlife with a “request for information” prior to submitting comments on Bureau of Land Managements s draft EIS. The Coalition will be preparing comments on the EIS back to BLM for consideration and transmit the same to sportsmen groups and other conservation interests for further cooperation in these activities. The Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN), a known cohesive force for social and environmental justice joins the Coalition for Nevada’s Wild in their current struggle, also highlighting the case against Barrick to stand in solidarity with the people of Marinduque. Coalition for Nevada’s Wildlife P. O. Box 70143, Reno, Nevada 89570; Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, [email protected] marinduquegov.blogspot/2015/01/nevada-us-activists-keen-on-progress-of.html Alyansa Tigil Mina, Macec Marinduque, MARINDUQUE MOVERS, KARATULA ( Kabataang Artista para sa Tunay na Kalayaan), OxfamAustralia, Oxfam America, MiningWatch Canada, Jonas Subagan, Pedrito Nepomuceno, Kaka Cinco, Konsehal Myke R. Magalang,
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:28:56 +0000

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