Michael Reagan GOP Plans Positive Senate Changes By - TopicsExpress


Michael Reagan GOP Plans Positive Senate Changes By Michael Reagan Senate Republicans who refuse to participate in Majority Leader Harry Reid’s plan to dismantle the country have been called “obstructionists” by leftist Democrats. That’s true only in the sense that Senate Republicans are fighting a rear-guard action against the forces of decay until reinforcements arrive in November. But what Churchill said of the Battle of Dunkirk — “Wars are not won by evacuations” — also applies to political parties, since governing is not advanced by preventing votes. That’s why the agenda Senate Republicans are devising is so important for the November election. The Hill reports that Senate Republican leadership is working on a positive agenda for the first 100 days of the next Senate, if control of the body is returned to the GOP after the midterm elections. The program is composed of four major initiatives designed to create jobs, reduce the cost of energy, eliminate burdensome regulation that only retards the growth of the economy, and repealing taxes that stifle innovation. First on the list is approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. The lies, delays, and cover-ups on the part of the Obama administration that have delayed approval of the pipeline for almost 10 years are an insult to Canada, our neighbor and ally. What’s more, the administration has prevented the creation of up to 20,000 jobs and forced oil to be transported by train, which is more dangerous than the pipeline. Next on the list is approval of “fast-track” trade authority. Passage would expedite decisions on trade agreements in the future, because the vote would have to be an up-or-down, yes or no. Senators would not be allowed to burden trade bills with extraneous amendments that complicate passage, favor special interests, or otherwise delay a final decision. Third is repealing or preventing a series of EPA “carbon pollution” regulations that would have zero effect on non-existent “global warming,” but would have a devastating impact on the economy. These regulations are a fanatical and unbridled expansion of EPA power that would in effect make the EPA the czar of the U.S. economy. Finally, since there is no chance of repealing Obamacare as long as its author is in office, the Senate proposes to repeal the medical device tax that is penalizing medical innovation and raising the cost of treatment without any additional benefit. Four major initiatives to be accomplished over the first 100 days of the new Republican Congress. It’s an agenda that’s positive, achievable, and good for the country. Let’s hope Senate leadership does its very best to communicate the plan to voters before they vote. Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on reaganreports
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:01:37 +0000

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