Monday June 30, 2014 On the road again. We have the - TopicsExpress


Monday June 30, 2014 On the road again. We have the pleasure of spending a few days with our one of our daughters, Tracy, her husband Jeff, our grandsons, and Anthony, Ricky, and myself. Don’t think Shelley and Chris and new baby girl Reese (one year old last week) will be able to join us this time around. Job related stuff. We’ll miss them. Making time together is a good thing, and not always easy. We are busy people, families in motion, doing lots of things many of which are good. I’ve noticed that ‘family reunions’ are major events with some families. We went to a ‘Tonkel’ one long years ago. It was nice to discover other people who bear your same name since a few of my friends would delight in asking, “What’s a Tonkel?” (Still don’t know) But we have learned more with some of those ancestry connections. Dad got interested and sent off somewhere and after a while received information back. It seems that Tonkels originated somewhere in the vicinity of the country of Latvia. Many were Jews, and a few part of a religious community even lesser known, namely, Huguenots. They were good with horse training, we leaned, and when they ‘instructed’ horses for princes, kings, and queens that’s as close as we got to royalty except in that grand passage in I Peter 2:9 where we are a “royal nation, and a holy people.” In this we all have access to royalty! What’s in a name? A lot more than we often think. For some, it’s an identification with, and an attachment to families and histories. In another sense, it relates to reputations. “My good name, etc.” I remember the line in Shakespeare which reads: “He who steals my purse steals trash, twas mine and his and has been slave to thousands, but he who filches my good name --robs me of that which enriches him not, but makes me poor indeed.” My mind races toward sermons where preachers relate gossip to acts of violence and murder. People who wouldn’t ever think of themselves as violent or the kind to harm others need to take a moment and think that one through. Sometimes I’ve passed along a comment without checking it out, or remained silent when someone put another down in one way or another. So family, names, and the chance to enjoy and do some good things together. Then the family of man, well, the family of men and women, can redouble efforts to speak well of each other as often as possible, and ill of each other only when face to face, and then with hope of blessing and resolution in mind. Preachers are something. You’re in the car just a bit, and here you go again—preaching! Travel well, you who are traveling. Be careful all who stay home, and let’s add worth and value to our names in every way we can. Always love, always, Keith
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:50:23 +0000

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