Moral Relativism: “The philosophical notion that right and wrong - TopicsExpress


Moral Relativism: “The philosophical notion that right and wrong are not absolute values, but are personalized according to the individual and his or her circumstances or cultural orientation.” Moral Relativism is a disease that has been infecting American culture and public discourse for decades. It’s the idea that my value system can not be inferior, or superior to yours. They’re just different, but one can’t be “better” than the other. Sounds good right? So the values and morality of a criminal gang like MS-13 are just as valid as the values and morality of Mother Teresa? Really? Of course, that’s painting with extremes. So let’s go with some real life examples of morally flawed moral relativism: Something I remember from serving as a Soldier in the Army, in the 1980’s before the Berlin Wall came down, was the idea believed by an awful lot of people, that American and Western values weren’t any better than those of the old Soviet Union. That the friction between the two sides was really just based on a mistrust and misunderstanding of one another. I remember Sting singing, “I hope the Russians love their children too.” But having served in an Armor Unit whose mission was to defend the Fulda Gap in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion of West Germany, I can tell you that such morally relative thinking was complete and utter horse sh*t. Everything the US Army in Germany trained for was defensive in nature. We held no war games or maneuvers carried out where we (The U.S. Army and NATO) would be the ones rolling across the border to invade East Germany. At the same time, we knew from our intelligence, that the Soviets and East Germans prepositioned their artillery ammunition forward, up close to the border. By mutual agreement, their main combat units (and ours) were kept several klicks off the border. But in their case, their munitions were stored forward near the border, which only makes sense if you’re planning to be the aggressor. In fact, it also indicates your’e supremely confident your potential enemy WON’T be the aggressor. My point is that the Old Soviet Union never had to fear or plan for an invasion coming from the West. But the West had to fear and plan for an invasion coming from them. To say the two sides then, were on equal (just different) moral ground was idiotic, although it was an idiocy warmly embraced by the political left in Western Europe and here at home in America. We see the same thing now argued in the case of Israel and her enemies in Gaza. If only Sting would show up on the West Bank to re-record his 1980’s hit with new words, “I hope the Palestinians love their children too.” Well, trying to assign moral equivalence to the two sides in the Arab-Israeli conflict requires a total rejection of morality altogether. If the Israelis laid down their arms tomorrow, they would be slaughtered. If the Palestinians laid down their arms tomorrow, they’d be left alone in peace. There is an absolute right and wrong here, and to suggest otherwise requires a great big shovel full of that same complete and utter horse sh*t.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:55:06 +0000

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