More Info on sage for you Tori On Ostara it is custom to have a - TopicsExpress


More Info on sage for you Tori On Ostara it is custom to have a good clear out of old, unwanted things and give your home a good clean. Cleaning and clearing can be very therapeutic. This is where the term Spring Cleaning comes from, but we dont just clean the material things we also clean our spiritual self too. The best way to do this is to do a smudging of your home. If you feel heavy with negative energy or if you have unwanted entities in your home, smudging will expel them. It is very powerful and has been done for thousands of years in many cultures. Sage is the major herb used in Smudging but Sweetgrass is also very powerful stuff too and can be used together with Sage. Many smudge sticks will have cedar as this is a good protective herb and it also burns well. To the Native Americans Sage was one of the gifts from the Great Spirit and it was used as a powerful purifier in many of their rituals. The Romans cleansed themselves and dressed in white before ritualistically harvesting sage with special silver tools. The Greeks used sage as a brain tonic. In English the word Sage means someone who is wise below are 10 steps to do a successful Sage Smudging. 1. Buy a sage smudge stick from a natural foods store, or make one yourself from dried sage. It can be mixed with sandalwood or lavender to increase the fragrance, but you should burn the entire bundle in one ceremony. Here is a guide to making your own. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=143108069171481&set=pb.127815357367419.-2207520000.1363727352&type=3&theater 2. Open all doors and windows. 3. Light the smudge stick, and when the flame catches, blow it out and allow the embers to start to smoke like incense. Carry it over a large shell (traditional) or bowl to catch any ashes. 4. Before you start, set an intention for your home overall, and then for each room. Say a prayer of cleansing; “I cleanse this home of any impurities, negativity, or energy that does not serve or support this home. I expel unwanted entities, I am grateful for the shelter our roof provides, and for the love these walls hold.” 5. Engage the Four Directions – East, North, West and South, turn up to God and Goddess and the Universe and ask for their help and strength, and look down and feel your feet connect to Mother Earth and give thanks for love and peace. 6. Walk around the house, waving the sage stick so its smoke drifts into corners, along walls, around windows, and along ceiling lines. As you do, imagine the smoke absorbing negativity, problems from those who were in the space before you, toxicity, and anything else you want to go away. See the smoke dissipating and floating out the windows, and imagine that bad energy flowing out of your space, making room for positive, fresh energy. Pause in the kitchen and express gratitude for the meals you prepare there. In the bathroom, for the fresh abundant water you have been blessed with. In the bedroom for the sleep you have and wish for good dreams and peace and so on with each room. 7. After youve blessed every room, give yourself a sage cleanse by cupping your hands over the smoke and wave it around your face and body as you would with water. Visualize any residual negativity sailing out of your body, out of your home, and into oblivion. 8. Take a moment to feel the energy of the house now. It should feel very light, spacious, and clear. 9. Walk out a the front or back door, close it, and smudge around the door and door frame. Leave the bundle (safely) outside to burn itself out, and then bury it in your back yard. 10. Stay outside for a short while. Let the energies of the house reboot themselves and work. After about 5 minutes go back into the house and that is it done.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:47:08 +0000

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