Mornin! God is good!! Thank you God for all I have and dont have - TopicsExpress


Mornin! God is good!! Thank you God for all I have and dont have for I know I am blessed.. Bible read it, learn it and live it to the best of ur abilities... share it so others will do the same. Complaining.. Bible says we shall not complain... Philippians 2:14... Do all things without murmuring and disputings. Really think what do u have to complain about. Someone always has it worse. God gives and gives and u complain it isnt enough. With the well why didnt I get it last year. Then U find something else once the first need is fullfilled. God will provide but u must believe. God can do it all u must pray, God doesnt need us he wants us and still pursues us. He can wipe it all out before u say Amen!! God hasnt he is patient and kind. Do u know what God has sacrificed for u. He left his son his son to die for you!!! A man that did nothing wrong to take ur blame and you complain. Positive thinking always. Show joy in what u have. Enjoy what u have. Be happy to just be. I am Thankful for God because he did for me. i am thankful because hey I got another day to maybe get it right. Smile yes it really matters.. love unconditionally, laugh cause u can and just be nice. Share ur blessings. I do and like to do for others because it feels good and I like to feel God said share so I do. I try very hard not to complain and yes. We r human so we will because we r human.. I am learning and have learned to be humble and accept what I have enjoy what I am blessed with, help where I know I can. Cherish my friends and love them even through ugly bad times because u should never give up no matter what they do.. why God didnt throw u away or forget u and we killed his Son!! I mean wow oh wow!! Think about that.. some of us need extra regardless because everyone else gave up and moved on. God says love all as u love ur self. So I do or at least I hope I do.. To be a true Christian we have to start at home... God first, Pray and know him,, make sure he knows you. Church a must because its commanded. Worship and gather together and go forth and do. Pray some more. Dont sit still and watch actually get involved. Share the blessings.. Pray some more.. bless u all.. have a fantabulous day.. Pray for all who are sick and need healing. Pray for Austin Musick as he has surgery today and a fast ,quick painless recovery.. pray for Ashlie Hope Camp and Brian Camp to have the peace and not be nervous.. God will guide and heal and take care.. have a fantabulous day every one and pass it forward. The LOVE of God.. tell someone..
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:31:24 +0000

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