Most people u debate with over what Christs ethnicity was, will - TopicsExpress


Most people u debate with over what Christs ethnicity was, will usually say, His color doesnt matter. Hes a spirit and loves us all. Thats the gayest crap i ever heard. I cannot accept that. Because basically , they r saying in essence, dont question Christs ethnicity, but yet they still convienently cling 2 the image of Cesare Borgia i mean, Jesus as the actual literal depiction of Christ. Even the most liberal White person cannot deal with a black Christ. Ive told some white people in my life time that Christ was a man of color, and u see them getting kinda figgity and nervous and a lil ansy. They start stuttering and stumbling over their words. Because growing up white in America, means u r basically taught that all things good r white. White angels, white God, white Jesus etc etc. And that anything black was evil, menacing, or bad. This is embedded in2 the very psyche of most white people and only a select few r able 2 transcend such bigoted ideologies and see that all humans r equal. Muhammad Ali told us that angels food cake is white, and devils food cake was dark. But on the flip side, most black people cannot handle a black Christ either. Because of indoctrination from slavery by the white slave master and Eurocentric brainwashing,black people were taught not 2 question Christs ethnicity because it was a sin. Which is why many blacks will get very upset with u if u tell them Christ was not white. Many blacks grew up with the classic white Jesus image in their homes and simply cannot divorce themselves from the deep and absurd emotional attachment 2 something that was only intended 2 degrade them in the first place. I told an older black guy one time that Christ was an African. He, like most white people do if u tell them that, bout had a heart attack. Fact of the matter is, historically, Christ was born in a region of the world where there was no large concentration of European types. The only European types were the Greeks and the Romans, and even some of them were mixed. Everybody else was non-European and non-white. So 2 end the argument over Christs ethnicity, once u establish that he wasnt a Greek or a Roman, the argument is over, period. Because if he wasnt a Greek or a Roman, he had 2 come from the other people, who were all non- European and non-White. Now if somebody still wants 2 argue over the shade he was, u got better things 2 do. Christs ethnicity and biography was changed by the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Several councils were held at Nicea. But there was also the Councils of Antioch, Jamia, and Chalcedon, where biblical scriptures were changed and altered. Prior 2 Constantine, 2 Africans from Alexandria, Egypt named Panteus and Boetius, who started Christianity,said the Christ was born in a cave in Ethiopia. It was at Nicea that it was decided that Christ was born in a manger in Bethlehem. But the Christ story is not original at all. It was derived from the ancient Nile Valley story of Ausar, Auset and Heru, the original holy family. Christ was not the son of God. He was a great prophet and a revolutionary against the tyranny of the Roman empire in North Africa. He had come 2 deliver his people from sin. Sin meaning, living under the oppression of Rome, not some divine blight or blemish u were born with that present day Christianity teaches u 2 believe. Our minds r poisoned with propaganda from birth. Pick up a book or watch a video and do a lil research. U just might find out what u thought u knew, just aint so.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:06:07 +0000

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