**Movie Review from Tuesday** Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - - TopicsExpress


**Movie Review from Tuesday** Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - The first DBZ movie in 17 years makes its way to American theaters a year after coming out in Japan. Today was the first of 4 days that American audiences will get to see this movie, dubbed in English, and if the theater here in Norman was any indication, Toei should start releasing every DBZ movie in America. The theater was completely sold out. The line was backed up to the parking lot for over 20 minutes with people buying tickets to this movie. Toei and Akira Toriyama, America loves DBZ, too. When the next movie comes out next year, let us have it faster than a full year later, please! Now, to the review. I’d already seen the Japanese version last year, so I knew what to expect going into this movie. However, it has been almost a full year since I saw it, so I did forget quite a bit of the smaller things that happened. Seeing it in English only helped bring me back to when I was younger and would watch DBZ every weekend on Toonami. This movie was different from what you might expect out of most DBZ movies. There was a lot more humor in this than in most things DBZ-related. I, along with the entire theater, was laughing throughout the whole film, and I’d already seen it. The little one-liners Beerus says, the small Trunks side story, the sequences on King Kai’s planet; they all made me laugh. Along with the humor and light-heartedness, there was every bit of excitement you would expect from DBZ. The fighting sequences were all amazing and the updated animation makes it all look phenomenal. My favorite part of this movie is the Vegeta fight. For a brief moment, Vegeta finally accomplished his life’s goal: being better than Kakarot, and it was awesome. The story is pretty much what every DBZ movie is like. The whole group is together having some kind of party or relaxation (in this, it’s Bulma’s birthday party) when some crisis occurs that rips them all away from it and threatens to destroy the planet. However, the main difference here is that the threat is none other than the God of Destruction, one of the strongest beings in the entire universe. Goku wants to fight him to test his strength (because that’s all Goku ever wants to do) and Vegeta fears him and just wants to make sure he doesn’t kill everyone. Of course, it comes down to Goku having to save the day, like always. Although, if the ending of this and the rumors about the next movie are true, Vegeta may be the hero come next time. Overall, I was just as pleased with the English dub as I was with the English sub of the Japanese version. Akira Toriyama being back in the creative chair for the Dragon Ball universe is great. Now we can hopefully forget about DBGT and move on to bigger, better things. I give this movie a solid 7/10.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 23:20:22 +0000

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