Multiple members of congress wrote the NFL demanding Ray Rice be - TopicsExpress


Multiple members of congress wrote the NFL demanding Ray Rice be fired.. and hes fired. This is great but theres a Federal Judge named Mark Fuller who beat his wife on August 9th who is still working. We arent talking about an entertainer.. an athlete.. but an actual person in power who controls the fate of other peoples lives. Mark Fuller plead down to get the charge off his record and serve no jail time. But he plead guilty to domestic violence. This is steps above Ray Rices case in the judicial system. Mark Fuller is guilty of domestic violence and still working as a federal judge. Mark Fuller being impeached by Congress is the only way he can lose his job. The same Congress that demanded Ray Rice be fired: ironic. You might say well theres a video of Ray Rice.. true.. but theres a terrifying 911 call made by Mark Fullers wife screaming for help, and you can hear Mark Fuller beating her in the background. Lets put the spotlight on this piece of shit. Tell Congress to impeach Mark Fuller! #racism #classism #governmentbullshit
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:08:59 +0000

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