My Dear Mother Indrani Devi Dasi..., Please accept my humble - TopicsExpress


My Dear Mother Indrani Devi Dasi..., Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your dear most Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada.. Where do I even begin..? In the year of 2012, you attended a festival in Ghana and all the devotees there got the opportunity to hear from you. It was your desire to make it there again for this years festival which is to take place in June.. You had made arrangements for it and the devotees there were also very eager to once again have your association.. But Krsna Has something else in mind for you.. During your visit in Ghana, you exhibited an attitude of compassion, dedication, enthusiasm, and love. You were so compassionate to everyone who came around you.. You made it a point to visit the samadhi of Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja every single day.. Your enthusiasm to be part of the Harinamas and other activities was simply amazing.. And last but not least, your love..whenever you spoke about your spiritual master, tears would fall from your eyes.. Tears of love.. By granting me the benediction of serving you personally, I had the opportunity to learn so much from the advice and encouragement you gave me.. How eagerly I was looking forward to serving you once more.. Mata, just like your spiritual master, you were the embodiment of compassion and love. Never was there a moment where you did not exhibit these qualities.. Indeed, you led by example.. It gives me so much joy to know that your innermost desire which was to join your spiritual master and Radha Krsna has finally been fulfilled.. At the same time, it saddens my heart that I will not get the opportunity to serve you.. Nevertheless, I am eternally grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to have your association and to also serve you.. Your smile, your laughter, your eagerness and enthusiasm to glorify your spiritual master and Radha Krsna, I shall forever cherish in my heart.. So, carry on, O Brave Spiritual Warrior... All glories to you and our beloved Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja.. Jaya Vaisnava Thakura..! Until you give me the opportunity to serve you once again.., Your servant, Rasa Lila Priya dasi
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 06:50:15 +0000

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