My Kabbalistic Astrological Financial Forecast for The Month Of - TopicsExpress


My Kabbalistic Astrological Financial Forecast for The Month Of November. Enjoy Hi everyone! We are entering now the month of intense and powerful Scorpio, called so often mar Cheshvan- Cheshvan the bitter one! Get ready for a good survival kit and plenty of surprises: Scorpios are always unexpected! Lets start by giving a roast to our friends the Scorpios: Scorpios are very deep, and intense, there is always more than meets the eye. Looking cool, detached and unemotional in the surface, underneath is a tremendous power, intense passion and a strong persistent will and drive. Scorpios are gifted with a very penetrative mind, so do not be surprised if they ask deep questions: they need to know why, where and how. Scorpios are very aware and weary of the games that other people try to play. They dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak!! On the other hand, people they respect and love are treated with amazing loyalty and generosity!! Always ambitious ,they need a big dose of control in order to feel safe. The Scorpio individuals are born with an attraction towards secrets and mysteries, and always try to unveil them. This deep interest could lead them to professions such as detectives, investigators, researchers and psychologists. The ruler of Scorpios is the warrior planet Mars, and it makes them naturally inclined as well towards armed services, police and defense . Mars, in Hebrew ma’adim comes from the word “dam”, and Scorpios are rarely afraid of blood!!! In fact, they make excellent doctors, surgeons, and scientists, and are perfectly suited to any form of business that makes a difference in the world, and impacts people and society . In business, Scorpios tend to easily gather wealth, they make very wise and extremely intuitive business decisions , but are rather conservative about spending their moneys. Very powerful strategists, marketing and politics are great professions for them too. Scorpios are known for making money and hiding it!!! God forbids someone should imitate them or use them, they are very suspicious indeed! Visionary and independent, they are uncomfortable working under superiors! Many writers and public speakers are also found under that sign. The natives of Scorpio are gifted with an incredible memory used sometimes for revenge ( or getting even as they call it!) Best careers for them will be related to science and research, investigation, defense, psychology, public speaking and writing, journalism, engineering, and archeology. Whats happening to our finances and businesses this month? This new month will start with Jupiter in Leo trining Uranus in Aries, (it’ll happen again mid February and Mid July 2015). This is a very auspicious influence that will encourage inspired creativity, spiritual breakthroughs, and the invention and implementation of advanced new technologies. Jupiter in Leo is also trining Mars in Sagittarius. This “grand trine” of fire signs is bringing in a strong element of advanced Science and engineering . For example, the implementation of new techniques to respect the environment, non- polluting energy technology. As well as new laws to support a greener approach! This is also very favorable as well for the arts, including music, theatre, movie making, and documentaries: the approach will hold a more cultural, humanitarian, and spiritual message. Many new ideas are coming forward to promote the collective good, community global projects for example, we can see a return to community values . This Scorpio month is excellent for charity work and non profit organizations. Financially, this is a great month for new investments and new ventures, especially until the 8th of November , since it is the first half of the lunar month. It is also a great time to implement new systems and strategies in existing firms and businesses, as well as a global vision for companies. As we have explained in previous articles, Saturn will enter Sagittarius on December 24, 2014. The nature of Saturn’s influence is to contract or cause limitations and obstacles. Saturn also represents the established power structure. Saturn in Sagittarius could put restrictions on travel due to problems in airways, more police state searches and checkpoints ,and lack of money for traveling companies and airways. Stay calm! Globally, it also creates more governmental control and censure. Politically, The Uranus-Pluto cycle is bringing us more revolutions and the implementation of new governments until 2015! The effects of Uranus (which brings revolt, sudden upset and surprise) and Pluto (which brings power games”, removal and termination) will show us worldwide many politicians being removed from office via the election process, impeachment or military actions!!! Due to the very strong Scorpio influence as well, we can expect the emergence of unexpected candidates and a large number of women (Scorpio is a female sign!) elected or appointed! This month will definitely be a time of reckoning: no nonsense in Scorpio! Wrong actions, or manipulations in banking and business will be indeed exposed. We can expect some scandals on the way! Beware of shady contracts and promises, and make sure all legal documents are properly written and signed! The good news is that this is bringing a lot more clarity to everyone. On a more personal note, remember to stay calm and centered, since Scorpio brings out all our hidden emotions and reactiveness! It’s also a great month to go on a small retreat and reboot our energies! Have a great and intense month! yael
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:38:41 +0000

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