(My Vision To Improve Urban America: Africa, Brazil, And The - TopicsExpress


(My Vision To Improve Urban America: Africa, Brazil, And The Caribbean Islands) I am on social media to broadcast my vision to those who want to listen naysayers have no place in my organization because it’s private and for those who want to solve social problems not just sit back and complain about the issues. My message is overlooked by the media because they focus on negativity which increase their ratings. The enemies of black life are happy that those on my friends list are not working with me because that prevent me from going forward lying wonder as long as God allows me to live I will fight like hell to get my message out to reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who are brave enough and smart enough to understand this vision which the Lord has given me to do for humanity. Oh God let my book The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America Second Edition get into the right hands to liked minded people and social entrepreneurs like me who want to do something positive for the children who are the victims of senseless violence in America. The primary goal of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is to bring order and stability to the low income African American Community. To focus specifically on strengthening the black family and create legitimate jobs within the communities we will serve if ever given a chance. GRCAM will be a local organization whose goal is focus on the interest of the community to advocate on behalf of local residents of the community. Local clients and members will elect an executive council within the organization to set policies for the community we will serve. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a Christian Socialist organization. It’s a private for profit service based business. It will have three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. Our focus will be to provide goods and services to the low income African American communities and working directly with single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families within the communities and cities we will serve. Our agenda is to end urban violence, gun violence, poverty, structural inequality, institutionalized racism, and police brutality within the communities and cities we will serve if given a chance. Our political component will help write and pass laws which will be compatible with the dominant culture which will protect local residents and give community rights to those affected by bias in the current system. Once my organization is established we will hold both Rogue Cops and Urban Terrorist accountable for their actions and create laws aimed specifically at those who continue to destroy black life through our political component. GRCAM is a new system given to me to share with those who understand kingdom principles and want to be a part of this new movement. My organization is open to all law abiding citizens, all racial groups, and undiscovered artist. Anyone who disagree with my plan to improve Urban or carless about my cause which is Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos will not be allow to join my organization. GRCAM will introduce to the world a new strategy for resisting evil without creating new evils or becoming evil ourselves. But more importantly, the vision my creator has given me to share with Black America and with the world is a new way of thinking that yields a vision of peace more powerful than any army. GRCAM is about building a strong unified global community and providing basic resources, providing private employment within the organization to communities and families that want and need our services. This is my contribution back to my community and throughout the African Diaspora. Real Christian Socialist Online. Oh Lord touch the hearts and minds of those on my friends list who claim to be Christians show them that you have given me this vision not for personal gain but to work a miracle on my behave through my book. Twenty two years of my life I have done all that I can do to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others to work with me directly so that I can put my vision into action. How can I start the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement if I lack the manpower and the capital to do so? All I have at this point is my story and it’s barely selling because there is inequality within my racial group. I lack support from the black church in my city and yet Chicago remains the murder capital in America. Lord have mercy on my people and others and let this organization come forth in Jesus name! Allow my book to become a best seller and allow me and my advisory board to select the best and brightest people in the United States to help me make GRCAM into one of the best African American businesses in America in Jesus name! You gave me the solution to end urban violence in my life time allow GRCAM to start in Chicago and allow GRCAM to have a presence in 25 cities within 25 states. Allow GRCAM to have a presence in Africa in 25 countries to people that want and need our services in Jesus name! Allow GRCAM to have a presence in Brazil and the Caribbean Islands to people that want and need our services in Jesus name! Bible References: Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Show and Prove https://youtube/watch?v=qZuSvo6623c&index=7&list=PLxsxPXZalyM9Ym4NEHOdxKUbhxnmkscnq My You Tube Videos https://youtube/user/manwellonline/videos My Book Link on Amazon for $22.47 plus tax amazon/Solution-Black-America-Reclaiming-Rebuiling/dp/1480074365/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1353183068&sr=1-5&keywords=The+Solution+For+Black+America My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos) https://causes/causes/508743-help-stop-the-genocide-in-american-ghettos/members My Blog Site manwell4mankind.blogspot/
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:53:46 +0000

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