My dream as a child was to jump really high. I prayed to God - TopicsExpress


My dream as a child was to jump really high. I prayed to God asking for this ability and the rest I would figure out on my own. I grew up watching action movies and imitating the movements from video games. At 9 years of age I began training gymnastics which helped bring out much of my hidden abilities. Throughout high school I taught gymnastics part time which also gave me a creative platform to try new moves. After high school I traveled a lot and was inspired by the movie business. When I arrived back I went to college for a short time to learn about travel and tourism. Shortly after 911 happened and I dropped out of school to follow my dreams in the film industry. I started doing background work to network and share my unique style I call Multi Level Moves. I created demo videos of my art form and shared them online which later became viral across the globe. Some people renamed my video “The Matrix For Real” and at that time I didn’t realize the effect of my passion. Eventually I made the right connections and started doing stunt work which was one of my goals. I had the opportunity to work with many great stars like Jackie Chan and experience how they made films. The movie industry is lots of fun but something felt missing so eventually I found satisfaction exploring the super natural by visiting psychics and mediums. At first I was against these types of readings because of my beliefs but something deep within me wanted to hear something I never heard before. I wanted to expand my awareness of my true mission and what I was put back on this planet to do. My spiritual awakening happened several years ago as I became attuned to reiki which is a form of spiritual healing. Many psychics and spiritual masters suggested that I practice meditation but I didn’t see the value until I took the reiki course. Shortly after I was given advice from a my psychic teacher that I would start seeing spirits. She taught me that I needed to learn how to protect myself because most of them are not good and would try to work through me because I am a medium. It was on May 26th 2010 during the night of the full moon where my 3rd eye opened and I started to re-remember myself and true mission in this world.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:06:56 +0000

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