My fellow Jamaicans, it is with great pride and much optimism that - TopicsExpress


My fellow Jamaicans, it is with great pride and much optimism that I come to you tonight on the eve of our 52nd New Year as a country. It has not been an easy journey for most of us, but it has certainly been an exciting one! 522 years have passed since Columbus first landed on our beautiful shores on May 5, 1492. He was trying to find India, but stumbled upon the peaceful Arawaks in Xaymaca (Jamaica). Unfortunately, the foreigners resulted in the extinction of the Arawaks. It would do us well to remember the fate of the Arawaks as we embrace the IMF plan for Jamaica. Our motto says out of many, one people, but we all know that there are two Jamaicas - the haves (a very small group), and the have nots (a very large group). Most of us are in the latter and are Blacks. More than 1.1 million of us live below the poverty line. Another 1.5 million live not too far from it. We have managed to multiply tremendously since being dragged here in chains some 505 years ago. We endured the lashes, overcame attempts to keep us ignorant, and fought for our freedom! We are a proud people and we dont give up easily. Wi mek up wi own language, create wi own music, and designed wi own dance. The world fastest man came out of us, wi broke many world records, and wi beat any system to mek a money. Im not so proud of the latter, but it speaks volume of our ability to survive and thrive. All we seem to lack is quality leadership as demonstrated in countries like Singapore and Cuba. The world around us as changed a lot over the years. The Cold War is ended, the world economy is globalized and the era of international handouts are either over or comes with so many strings attached they will hang us if we dont stop depending on them. We must now either swim like Alia Atkinson if we are to regain our position as the economic leader of the Caribbean or sink like Haiti. Can we rise again? Yes, we can! However, to do this we must retire the failed political system forced on us at so called independence by England. She did not use that system to gain her wealth, and neither can we. She used slaved labour to build her empire. We cannot use her methods if we hope to succeed, but can create our own solution made by Jamaicans for Jamaica. We need a Union Government that will put an end to partisan politics. We need a new governance model that will give us a stable, focused and competent government to restore our gifted nation and make it One Jamaica! The United Independents Congress of Jamaica (UIC Jamaica) stands ready to partner with you and every Jamaican to turn over a new leaf for our wonderful country. We have laid out the framework for the restoration at uicjamaica and now only need your support to get everything in place to form the government in 2016. Let us make 2015 the year we work together for Real Change for Change so Jamaicans can overwhelmingly vote UIC Jamaica in 2016! We thank you in advance for your suport and all of us at UIC Jamaica wish you and your family (wherever you are) a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year! I am Joseph L. Patterson, UIC Jamaica President, and I approve this message.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:32:14 +0000

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