My good friend, Patty, from Cabo in Mexico - whom I have never met - TopicsExpress


My good friend, Patty, from Cabo in Mexico - whom I have never met but still love dearly as a sister - is facing, with her family, friends and fellow citizens, a Category 4 hurricane, with winds of 125 miles an hour. Please, please pray for the safety of them all and for this horrific storm to pass. Your conscious care does register. This is serious. I have been in a lesser hurricane, as a little girl in Barbados, where I saw entire roofs flying through the air and the sea had risen high and its waves were soaring high over our bungalow, which was close to the beach and landing in the street in front of us, so the entire house was engulfed in a bubble of ferocious, circular, 20 foot waterfalls, for hours. Telephones went down and Dad and Mum fought the wind, to batten doors, which were flapping against the storm, with horizontal wooden planks, for the locks had been simply burst by continuous, heavy gusts. Our neighbours opposite came out of their homes every now and then and surveyed us with sorrow and pity from their relative safety and beckoned us over. They expected us to be washed into the sea, they told us later, as they frantically viewed our progress every now and then, bravely opening their doors against high winds, to wave us over; but we did not dare leave the house, for fear of being swept away. My baby brother and I would have been fodder in the vicious broom of Nature, as she swept away all in her path, uprooting old, sturdy trees and crushing homes indiscriminately. We had no choice but to stay together and stick it out in our watery home, as we silently communed with our Creator to keep us safe and together. The noise of the wind was aggressive but I looked to my mother, calm, smiling and confident and took my lead from her, as all my fright melted. She held me in one arm and my brother in the other and we felt no one could possibly dent this idyllic haven, whatever the threats outside. By the grace of faith, infinite blessings and a lot of prayers, we were saved and the house remained standing, despite relentless battering by the elements of rain and sea, for hours. It was the only time I ever saw a tear fall from my fathers face, even though he remained calm, following the gentle acceptance of the situation by my mother, once they had done everything to board the doors and windows and placed buckets and large saucepans beneath the numerous leaks from the roof. I think Dad felt powerless to be unable to guarantee our safety; but Mum was in another realm and eventually we all went there, to that sacred place of faith, in peace, with her. Unless you have been in a hurricane, you cannot know the destructive, irreverent fury of Nature at her angriest, as every tree, house and person is rendered weightless and lifted up into the air, like unwilling kites. That is why, if you have read this far, I ask you to pray, with all your sincerity, for my dear friend and her fellow citizens in Mexico and wherever else this hurricane touches on our globe. Please? Thank you, with love. Mercedes mercedesleal
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:32:33 +0000

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