My number is 6 (because I was bored): 6) I dont know how the - TopicsExpress


My number is 6 (because I was bored): 6) I dont know how the rest of you played with action figures growing up, but Alecia Colombe and I definitely played with Star Wars action figures by creating a socialist society where the wealth would be distributed throughout the population at random every week and where the leader (Darth Vader, duh) would choose who got to marry who, among other elements that would likely cause psychologists everywhere to scratch their heads. 5) I have made or been in the process of making films that involved the following story lines: 1) A battle between two stoners for control of a house, 2) a military rescue mission, 3) A battle between an Islamic terrorist and a German warlord who were trying to take over the world (keep in mind, this was a buddy comedy), and 4) A short person who tries to kill everyone that is taller than him... and one of these was actually approved as a collegiate senior project. 4) Growing up I was obsessed with The Left Behind series and was once so concerned that I was the Anti-Christ, that I asked my mom and sister about it. 3) This is the number of people I have asked out in my life (and been rejected by, but looking at the aforementioned 3 items on the list, I would say no too!) 2) Here are my five favorite filmmakers of all time and the first film of theirs that I ever saw: 1) Joel and Ethan Coen (O Brother Where Art Thou?, probably when I was 11?), 2) Steven Spielberg (Jurassic Park, when I was five), 3) Martin Scorsese (The Departed, I was a late convert at the age of 17), 4) Billy Wilder (The Apartment, when I was probably 12 or so), 5) Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill Volume 1, when I was 15); A Bonus item, first midnight movie (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in 2003, which is still my favorite movie!) 1) When I was six I dreamed the entire storyline of Toy Story from Woodys perspective... a full week before I saw the movie in theaters for the first time. Feel free to like without fear of a number and comment on my strangeness of course. If you would like a number of your own, I can of course provide that as well.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:29:02 +0000

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