My personal moral code. A hero is love when in doubt refer to - TopicsExpress


My personal moral code. A hero is love when in doubt refer to this first rule for it is the one all others flow from. A hero sees the world as it is, not as he wishes it to be A hero is a teacher, he tells stories of his deeds to lead not to puff himself up. A hero leads by example he strives for his actions to match his words. A hero faces much worse then mockery and often he is dismissed as a fool. A hero rarely will be thanked but he cares not. A hero will fail each of these ideals at some point many times over he forgives himself as he forgives others and moves on. A hero loves truth and beauty, he tries to spread these ideas where ever he goes. A hero does not judge evil even as he fights it. Heroes are not reckless or hasty but when needed to can make quick choices. A hero never attempts to stop another hero from doing their own heroic duties from a sense of misplaced love When faced with those in a moral middle between hero and villain a hero must err towards treating this person as a villain meaning that love and kindness should be shown but not much trust To a hero all are family and should be treated as such A hero gives of his heart and mind as well as of the things he owns Heroes seek not to make the world into something that serves them but into something that serves mankind When faced with doing something amoral to serve a larger moral a hero chooses the lesser of two evils Heroes have no time for shame, guilt and remorse over petty things and little time for these things overall A hero is kind to himself as he is kind to others A hero fights the good fight in all ways and does not let others judgment sway him A hero owns up to his own choices A hero should only wed another hero All heroes are different some excel at some heroic tenements while struggling with others, a hero does not compare himself to other heroes in a brow beating light A hero understands that even as a villain is a person and therefor has the same rights as all people, they have by their own choices forfeited some rights to be treated well A hero sometimes must make the first strike in fighting evil Evil is everywhere and must be fought in small ways every day A hero understands and expects that not all people are heroes he loves them none the less A hero does not believe in the impossible Heroes do not often call themselves heroes, you shall know them by their deeds and motives. A hero must understand that the things he does are often painful and difficult, it is better to be in the middle then it is to be a villain in heros clothing A hero does not let fear of judgment keep him mute when faced with evil A hero suffers his wounds with dignity and grace be they just or unjust wounds A hero keeps a level head when fighting evil he does not allow his righteous rage to make him hasty Righteous rage is a tool that all heroes should use and is a good benchmark for judging if a person or their deeds are evil.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 08:28:04 +0000

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