My sweet daughter DeAnna sent me this challenge so for day 1 Im - TopicsExpress


My sweet daughter DeAnna sent me this challenge so for day 1 Im thankful most for my Savior, Jesus , he hasalways been a friend that sticks closer than a brother, the constant in my life, and with that also my Heavenly Father, I never knew my own father, but I had an awesome grandfather who did a wonderful job when I was young and a great step-father to step in and be a super substitute, the greatest love I have ever known is my Heavenly Father, he has walked with me through every day of my life even when I was angry and throwing my own little fit about not getting my way. He was a perfect example of unconditional love for a rebellious child and Ive tried to follow that example raising my own children.He has comforted me in times of heartbreak and healed my body and spirit time and time again, I can not even begin to express all he means to me, if I had forever and a day I could only scratch the surface, next of course would be my beautiful family,as the days go on I will mention them individually but today as a whole they are awesome, each one is totally unique and I marvel they all came from me and they fit together so well complimenting each other with their differences and yet their sweet hearts so alike in their tender love for each other and me, and a gentle careing heart for others, bravely standing up for what they believe to be right. I love them all fiercely as a mother bear and would fight to the death for them.i dont always like what they choose to do but Im proud of who they have and are still becomeing
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:02:37 +0000

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