My take on the Election... I believe New Zealanders got to the - TopicsExpress


My take on the Election... I believe New Zealanders got to the stage where the issue with Dotcom was not only a personal attack on John Key, but also an attack on the Prime Minister of New Zealand and its democracy. During the last week of the election we had a German an Australian and 3 Americans all telling New Zealanders how we should be running the country. We had all the parties to the left struggling to find any unity between them. We had the Labour Party constantly embroiled in its own internal politics and being unwilling to collectively endorse its own leader, never once did we hear David Shearer come out making strong statements of support for David Cunliffe (I suspect he will challenge for the leadership) The Greens were in a Yes No Maybe relationship with Labour so were constantly canvassing to the same voters rather than targeting the centrist or undecided voters. Mana/Internet had a clear political strategy that being to target the youth vote, this tactic failed, we still had 1 million non voters (the lowest turnout since 1887 at 65%). Internet/Mana couldnt shake off Dotcom as being regarded as the partyand as such struggled to gain credibility with mainstream New Zealand. Winston got drawn in to a battle with Colin to target the older and some would say xenophobic voters, Craig picked up 4% of the party vote Winston will be rueing this. In the mean time National and John Key just kept on track putting themselves across has a stable government (I am sure internally at National HQ this will not be the case). I think at the end of the day voters just switched off to the whole debacle. I cant believe that after the hiding Labour has undoubtably taken in this election we are still today seeing comments on social media from so called Labour voters wanting to re-litigate the so called man ban and angrily attacking candidates pulling apart the structure of the party and debating who should be leader. This mess is set to continue well in to the new year. The next 3 years will see some dire consequences for the Union movement who have actively gone out with the intent of changing government. The next 100 days will see National passing legislation that will set back the union movement to the 50s, in turn expect to see significant protest marches occurring next year. Wage growth will continue to stagnate whilst the government continues to tell us it is trying to get debt under control, the stagnation in wage growth will see the devide between the haves and have nots continue to widen and poverty become more evident to more New Zealanders. Spending in the public sector will be once again cut, with more and more privatization in key areas of health and education. One could say that Dotcom became John Key and the National parties saviour and Hones ruin, Laila cant have done her own aspirations any good as a consequence of choosing to work for Dotcom, for a person who as alway been held in high regard for her efforts for the working class and impoverished i say to Laila how could you have gotten this so wrong?. Hone i am sure will return to his more known for style of in your face activism and we will see him pounding the streets with Minto et al once again (Waitangi should be interesting). The Greens will again be disappointed at being the bridesmaid and not the bride for another 3 years, the fact that they were unable to get a partnership with Labour in place a long way out from the election must surely have affected their voter numbers. And there you have it, One mans take on the elections....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 03:56:04 +0000

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