My thought for the day; ‘Push to Privatize’ Privatization; - TopicsExpress


My thought for the day; ‘Push to Privatize’ Privatization; One of the core components of the economic model that is creating havoc around the world; combined with lowering taxes on the wealthy, expansion of free-trade agreements, DE-regulation of key industries, eliminating the power of organized labor and DEEP cuts in Social Spending which eventually creates the need to rescind the civil rights of the masses to protect the hoarders of wealth …it’s a recipe for despotism and oppression. So what happens when the resources of a nation are commandeered by those who seek only to amass more profit? It’s a bit like building a fortress- with a moat around it. The fortress is the domain of the privileged few (by virtue of their wealth.) The ‘moat’ is the means used to dam up the wealth; it protects Midas’ castle. Its architect is legislation. De-regulation and tax breaks that redirect the wealth upward into the hands of the power brokers are the goals. This protects the profits of the overlords, limits the resources of the government to meet their obligations and eventually creates such a disparity in income that the economy stagnates as the moat becomes the depository of every trickle that comes within its grasp. The solution to this problem, of course, is to create ever-expanding free-trade agreements. When you’ve extracted all the natural resources and purchasing power in one area you have no choice but to open up new markets to exploit. Soon their resources fall under the ownership of the multinational corporations who have no allegiance to any nation. Worshiping at the feet of the golden calf of Wall Street is the new religion. Here in the United States we are only putting into action the same methods that proved to be so useful in other nations since the 70s. It’s a simple formula really. Anything that can orchestrate a need to offer ‘financial assistance’ will do. A natural disaster, a civil uprising, a coup to oust a despot, a black-flag operation to wrest control…the means are variable. The outcome is compulsorily. A country in trouble relies upon the good graces of the World Banks to rebuild their struggling economy. Of course these debts come with strings; stipulated by the puppet masters. All the core components are required to get the assistance a nation needs to resolve its problems. The congratulatory handshaking is symbolic of the undulating of a striking cobra. It takes little time before the corporations who have been granted asylum begin to rape the resources once held collectively by the people and soon the rush to outsource labor and industry to markets that have less overhead becomes a watershed event; literally drying up the purchasing power of the common laborer in the host country. As jobs become scarce and wages plummet, the resources of the government are depleted through the lack of tax revenue along with the interest accrued to pay the initial debt. When the debt falls into the realm of possible default it creates the need to initiate further obligation to those who hold the purse strings. The Alchemists never realized that gold could be created out of thin air. But wait! What happens next is the coup de tat! Privatization is the frosting on the cake. Why should taxpayer dollars fund public trusts when that money could also be exploited to fill the moat? Here in the USA we are witnessing a drastic move to privatize everything; our schools, our roadways, our mineral resources, any occupation that protects worker’s rights and guarantees a decent standard of living. There is a push to privatize our national parks and even the Post Office which is a Constitutional mandate. Our national treasures are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. This new push to privatize might well represent the final death throes of a dying nation. If not curtailed it will soon be evident that what we are witnessing isn’t a solution to our problems…it is indicative of the crumbling of an Empire.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:14:52 +0000

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