My version of YEMA CAKE with mango filling (in rice cooker) - TopicsExpress


My version of YEMA CAKE with mango filling (in rice cooker) Ingredients: 2 cup rising flour or regular white flour 1 cup milk reg milk or evap milk, (water will be ok if no milk) ½ cup water 2 1\2 tbsp. baking powder 1 egg bitten the 2 egg white 3 tbsp. butter or margarine melted 1tsp iodize salt 1 Cup Sugar Procedure: Combine all dry ingredients mix well Combine wet ingredients 1 whole egg and the rest of egg white mix well, milk, water and butter The combine the wet and dry ingredients mix well make sure all dissolve properly and let it rest for 5 mins Wipe the rice cooker butter/ margarine the or non stick spray Cooked it for 30 to 45 mins or more untill the cake batter is not yet cooked Keep on tapping into cooking your rice cooker for several times if needed You can check your cake batter if it is fully cooked but using a chopstick (tusukin lang pag walang dumikit ibigsabihing luto na ito) Allow to cool the cake before removing form rice cooker and decorate your filling and frosting Yema toppings ¼ butter melted 1 Big condense milk 3 egg yolk (bitten) 4 tbsp flour Cheese (grated) 1 litro pack (tang mango this is for filling) Cooking Directions: 1. Pour the condensed milk in a pot , and then add the egg yolks in low heat and keep on stirring. 2. Add the margarine or butter, and keep on stirring 3. Stir continuously to avoid burning and sticking at the bottom of the pan. This will also ensure that it is evenly cooked. 4. Gradually add 4 tbsp of flour, 1 tbsp at a time stirring while sifting 5.. You can turn of the heat once the desired consistency is almost achieved 6. Divide the frosting into 2, the first half add 1 tsp vanilla and mix well, the second half add mango power (juice concentrated) and mix well 7. Divide the cake into desire cut and spread the mango flavored filling 6. Then spread the mixture on top of cake the grated cheese and chocolate chips.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:59:37 +0000

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