My youngest is almost 18 months old (eek!) and I was just reading - TopicsExpress


My youngest is almost 18 months old (eek!) and I was just reading up on development: Cognitively and motorically, your little guy is learning new things everyday. He is learning to walk up and down stairs, catching and throwing a ball, and might be starting to scribble little circles. He may (or may not) be interested in putting on and taking off his shoes and socks (my son at 21 months is OBSESSED with socks and shoes right now!) He may also start learning how to jump around 21 months or so and may start to get air! He is starting to know where things belong in your home and where to find them when he wants them. He may start to use toys in different ways and start to experiment with them…which means you better make sure you are keeping your eye on him! This is the time that you might find the entire roll of toilet paper in the bowl or find his trains in some really odd places. Remember how I said he will be using things in new and different ways? Your child’s problem solving skills are developing rapidly and he is starting to realize that he can use a chair or a table as a stool. Say he sees a cookie on the counter and he wants it. He is learning that he can simply pull one of your nesting tables over to the kitchen, climb on top and get that cookie! Your child isn’t being naughty, he is problem solving and this is such an important skill! Looking for more? Specifically speech and language? Read the rest here....youll find links to other age ranges as well from birth to 5 :) playingwithwords365/2012/10/your-childs-speech-and-language-18-24-months/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:58:10 +0000

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