Myths and Facts of Chronic Back Pain Back pain is one of the - TopicsExpress


Myths and Facts of Chronic Back Pain Back pain is one of the most common, and worst, pains we have to deal with as we get older. But it doesnt only affect the mature, it can happen at any age, any place and any time, for various reasons. As a common problem, many people will suggest many solutions, so its good to know in advance which are real and which are just rumors. Here is the list that will make that clearer: 1. Sitting upright prevents back pain - Myth. While sitting haunched over does cause damage to your back, sitting upright can also cause pain. In order to minimize the damage caused by prolonged sitting, you should lean back once in a while and make a bow shape in your lower back. Plus, its important to stand up once in a while. 2. No heavy lifting - Myth. In most cases concerned with back pain, its not the weight of the object we lift, its how we lift it. A correct lift is one that you do from as close to the item as possible, kneel, still very close to the object, and lift with the muscles of your legs, not your back. Your back wont hurt as long as you dont involve it in the lifting, which you shouldnt. 3. Being overweight leads to back pain - Fact. This is simple logic. More weight means more pressure on the back. Lack of back muscle will also make sure we cant support our own weight well enough. Keeping a reasonable weight will not prevent back pain, but it will surely prevent it from getting much worse. 4. Back pain is caused by injury - Myth. There is something to this myth, but only partialy. Back pain can be caused by many problems, such as disc deterioration, infection and even as the result of unlucky genes. Also, wrong use of the back over years can also cause chronic back pain, as soldiers, truckers and even kindergarden teachers (who lift the little kids all day) can attest to. 5. Bed rest is the best treatment - Myth. In extreme back pain cases, where the sufferer is completely down for the count - there is no choice but to stay in bed. However, staying in the same position for a long time can make the pain worse and create more pressure on the back and spine. Consult an orthopedic. Perhpas you need to start physiotherapy. 6. Chriopractics can help back pain - Fact. A chiropractic who can manually adjust your spine and massage your back can really help your chronic back pain. 7. Physical activity isnt good for bad backs - myth. A regular and fixed physical activity strengthens the bones, skeleton and muscles, if it is done correctly, of course. It can really prevent more serious back pain and is highly recommended. IN addition, structured physiotherapy can pave the way to relieving back pain after injury. The strengthening exercises you can do are the key to many forms of back pain. 8. Slim people dont have bad backs - Myth. Its true that keeping a low weight may prevent some back pain, but its very far from any guarantee. Back pain can come from genetics that have nothing to do with personal weight, and overly thin people can have more delicate structures that do not support the spine as well, resulting in... you guessed it - bad backs. 9. Acupuncture can help back pain - Fact. Many who have suffered back pain have reported that acupuncture has helped them after all other methods have failed. Today, there are traditional medicine workers that use acupuncture as well as some doctors who have adopted this method and call it medical acupuncture. 10. Its better to sleeep on a hard mattress - Myth. Different people have different reactions to mattress hardness. A study in Spain showed that people who slept on a medium level hard mattress suffered less back pain than people who slept on a very hard mattress. If a hard mattress works for you, great, but if it isnt comfortable, youll just have more back pain. So go with your inner feeling and the habits that work for you. However, in any case of serious back pain or a worsening condition, you should consult a doctor.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 05:15:50 +0000

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