NEW YORK, NY, October, 18, 2013 – Tibetan exiles will protest - TopicsExpress


NEW YORK, NY, October, 18, 2013 – Tibetan exiles will protest today against the Dalai Lama to draw international attention to his abuse of human rights amongst his own Tibetan people. The International Shugden Community (ISC) will be demonstrating outside the Beacon Theatre, 2124 Broadway, NYC, where the Dalai Lama is due to appear today. The ISC, which includes members of the Tibetan exile community, wants the Dalai Lama to stop inciting fear and division within Tibet. To the Western world, the Dalai Lama talks about human rights and religious harmony. But he encourages Tibetans around the world to tyrannize innocent, peaceful people solely because of their religious choices, said Ah Dhar, a Tibetan exile & ISC member. We want him to stop harming his own people and start respecting the international human rights laws he pretends to represent. The Dalai Lama has now taken his opposition to a popular and ancient Buddhist practice, the worship of the enlightened Deity Dorje Shugden, into Tibet. He has incited people within Tibet to rise up against these sincere Buddhist practitioners. In a campaign reminiscent of The Cultural Revolution, Tibetans are being pitted against Tibetans. Innocent people are experiencing public humiliation, persecution, and denial of basic human rights, simply because of their religion. Millions of people are suffering at the hands the Dalai Lamas followers. They blindly believe everything the Dalai Lama says, and the Dalai Lama says to destroy all connection with Shugden practitioners, said Ah Dhar. The Dalai Lama is responsible for this suffering. One word from the Dalai Lama and this apartheid within the Tibetan community would stop. But, instead, the Dalai Lama only continues to encourage hatred and fear. The ISC, and the Tibetan community it represents, will stand up to the Dalai Lama in a series of demonstrations during the Dalai Lamas tour of North America this month. They want the world to pay attention. And they want peace and harmony in their community. Only the Dalai Lama, who is renowned throughout the world for his apparent commitment to peace, has the power to bring peace to his own community. The ISC wants the world to join them in asking the Dalai Lama why wont you solve this problem?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:49:22 +0000

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