NEWS UPDATES AT 7O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE. Minister for finance, - TopicsExpress


NEWS UPDATES AT 7O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE. Minister for finance, Maria Kiwanuka has delivered the 2014/15 financial year national budget. It was presented at Serena conference center yesterday afternoon. The 15.4 trillion shillings budget is the biggest the country has seen. A number of taxes to help come up with 81.8 % of the trillions were announced. Taxes on petrol, diesel; paraffin, salt, sugar, processed milk, computers, new printing services for educational materials and tools for agriculture have been increased. Motorists in the country will pay an additional Shs50 in Excise duty on each litre of petrol and diesel. However, legislators and analysts have warned the increase in fuel taxes is likely to lift the cost of transport hence further hiking the cost of doing business in the country. The minister also announced new taxes on sports betting and slapped a 10 per cent Excise duty on Mobile Money withdraw fees. She also proposed to introduce Excise duty of 10 per cent on bank charges and money transfer fees to generate an additional Shs22 billion. Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) collection targets have been increased to 9.5 from 8.5 trillion shillings despite struggling with revenue shortfalls of 475billion shillings in 2013/14 financial year. Minister of finance Maria Kiwanuka while delivering the 2014/15 national budget yesterday attributed the shortfalls to a lower than projected growth in the economy which affected particularly taxes that are not only easy to collect but generate most domestic revenue, Value Added Tax and Corporate Income Tax. Government’s move to increase the tax collector’s targets, stems from the need of the country predominantly facilitating this budget amid donor aid cuts in the recent past. An assessment tool for transforming health workforce has been devised by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its member countries. Dr. Erica Wheeler a technical officer was speaking during a three day second annual Eastern Africa Health Professionals Educators Association conference in Kampala and revealed the intent was to look at issues like; availability of enough health workers and the kind of education they receive in order to monitor each country. The United States has accused Sudan of stepping up its attacks on civilians in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states. The American ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power condemned the attacks in which she said schools and hospital had been deliberately targeted. Ms. Power said since April, Sudanese aircraft had dropped hundreds of barrel bombs on towns and villages. More than a million people are reported to have been displaced by fighting between government forces and rebels. Sudans ambassador to the UN did not respond to the comments. Earlier this week aid agencies wrote to the UN Security Council, African Union and the Arab League demanding an end to attacks on civilians by the Sudanese government. US President Barack Obama says his government is looking at all options, including military action, to help Iraq fight Islamist militants. But the White House also insisted it had no intention of sending ground troops. The remarks come after the cities of Mosul and Tikrit fell to Sunni Islamist insurgents during a lightning advance. The US has begun moving defence contractors working with the Iraqi military to safer areas. Several hundreds were being evacuated from Balad air base to Baghdad, a US defence official said. Led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the insurgents are believed to be planning to push further south to the capital, Baghdad, and regions dominated by Iraqs Shia Muslim majority, whom they regard as infidels. Brazil beats Croatia 3-1 in the opening game of world cup. Neymar stole the show scoring 2 goals for Brazil as Oscar cemented the result with a wonderful individual goal late on. However adulation at the Arena de Sao Paulo went to Barcelonas Neymar whose first goal was a low, sweeping effort that crept into the net from 25 yards. His second, 19 minutes before the end, was altogether more controversial. On Croatia side Marcelo scored their only goal. RADIOCITY NEWS: BRINGING THE WORLD CLOSER TO YOU!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 04:17:19 +0000

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