NEXT WORKSOP Sunday 27th July at The Groundswell Dance - TopicsExpress


NEXT WORKSOP Sunday 27th July at The Groundswell Dance Studio Oxford Street, SWANSEA 10.00 am until 1.00 pm Eastern Alchemy Workshop Number Four: Microcosmic Orbit and REALITY & NON-ORDINARY Reality (Warriors know that states of non-ordinary reality are their only method of pragmatic learning and the only means through which they can acquire power; non-­ordinary reality represents the separate reality of the warrior, the reality of the second and third attentions.) Carlos Castaneda The Teachings of Don Juan In this Workshop we will look at The Eastern (Buddhist/Daoist, Quantum Physics, & Dzogchen) views of NON ORDINAIRY REALITY.......The DOORWAY is to release what you think you know Anyone who studies Taiji, & Qigong for Health, Healing and, or Martial Arts has only just begun to scratch the surface The Microcosmic Orbit also known as the Self Winding Wheel of the Law and the circulation of light is a Taoist Qigong or Taoist yoga Qi energy cultivation technique. It involves deep breathing exercises in conjunction with meditation and concentration techniques which develop the flow of qi along certain pathways of energy in the human body which may be familiar to those who are studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Tai chi chuan, Neidan and Taoist alchemy. The exercise can be performed usually at first in a sitting position, but it can also be practiced standing as in Zhan zhuang or with movements included as with Tai chi chuan. The clear understanding of the microcosmic orbit technique is very. The Governor Vessel (Du Mai) and Conception Vessel (Ren Mai) are the main life force channels that feed the 12 mail organ channels...the understanding, practice, and knowledge of the vast and deep practice enhances strength, health, martial prowess and hidden or potential abilities. The ability to perceive or think differently, is more important than the knowledge gained......David Bohm The next workshop on Sunday July 27th will be the last one open to the general public, after that I will carry on with whoever wishes to continue. However, I think that I should make clearer the object of these workshops, and explain further why they maybe quite unique in approach. Please note: this particular workshop is a stand alone one with a complete practice taught on the day Three main streams of study are creating this approach and original paradigm. 1. The way in which we have been conditioned to view things by our culture. 2. The lack of any real psychophysical practices in our culture 3. The lack of understanding that Mind, Body and Energy are completely inseparable. In fact all of the above statements are also inseparable in the ultimate view Lets take the first statement of conditioning by our culture. Western culture is very influenced by Aristotle, Descartes and Newton. For example Aristotle spoke of the excluded middle that things are either correct, or incorrect. Newtonian physics states that things are materialistic, mechanistic, and reductionistic. The world of solid objects and predictions (external world view) No importance was given to subjective observation. Science, of course, has continued to this day with this understanding....that is, until the world of quantum mechanics and quantum physics came to be discovered. So now, the observer must play an important and intricate role in all new understanding. In far Eastern practice, especially that of Tibet (Bon, Buddhism, Dzogchen) and China (Daoism) the discovery of the subjective (internal world view) explains the understanding of the cosmos in a very different way. The difficulty for us is to realise how our understanding develops depending on our perception (view) adopting either stance will cut us off from knowledge, as all views are inseparable. It is only by seeing our conditioning , and then dropping all preconceived ideas are we then free to investigate, and this is what these workshops are about. The second point is about how we discover and access our unlimited potential. After many years of practice, study and research I have come to understand (as expounded in many far Eastern traditions) that freedom and liberation from conditioned existence is through THE THREE DOORS of Body (physical) Speech (energy) and Mind (consciousness) according to the ancient Tibetan paths. The Daoist traditions states it this way.... Jing (essence/physical) Chi (energy/information) and Shen (spirit/wisdom mind/nature of mind) all are once again inseparable, and no breakthrough is possible without this understanding, thats why there is so much emphasis on non duality mentioned in these workshops. The question of energy often arises these days....for example....whether Chi or Ki exists. Well my answer to this depends on what your concept of Chi/Ki is. Having a concept does not mean having an understanding. In fact as space/energy/matter are all no definition (in the Western sense) can be correct. Vlatko Vedral who is Professor of Quantum Information Science at Oxford University wrote an excellent book called Decoding Reality basically saying that all energy is information. I was fortunate enough to strike up a dialogue with Professor Vedral (via email) regarding his references to non duality that he mentioned in the book. The view of Quantum Science, Buddhism, Daoism and Bon have many parallels. So by integrating the practice of sound, colour, geometric patterns, energy practices, body postures, breathing exercises, meditation practice, all of which (heres that word again) INSEPARABLE we have the possibility of achieving a real and actual breakthrough away from the restricted conditioned state, to an awakened, lucid and natural mode of being where direct knowledge and infinite possibilities are available to an open and spacious mind. Although an intellectual understanding is desirable, reading and talking about such a subject as this will never be enough to induce a change in perception. The Western way of so-called spiritual practice and paths lack any real coherence and understanding, mainly because we have no tradition or heritage of rigours practice. Heres what the Great Chinese Sage Zhuangzi stated: Zhuangzi believed, “humans need to be aware that their own existence is an integral part of limitless time and the universe. They are constantly inter­acting. Humans must use nature to observe everything. Dont use other peoples standards as a standard for yourself, don’t use the past and future as a division for the present, don’t use death as a division for life, and dont use infinity as a division for finites. This way humans will be able to go beyond their bondage and attain freedom”. Zhuangzi realized, “the root of human problems stem from their lack of freedom. Humans are not free because of their over-dependency. Humans depend too much on materials, emotions, knowledge, art, spiritual leaders, gods..... for their well-being and daily life. These dependencies sink humans into a self-created pit of bondage pit of bondage. To gain liberation, humans will have to clear away their dependency.” Zhuangzi’s philosophy is the philosophy of freedom. It is a philosophy that places life in infinite time and space to gain experience. The Creation of Space Meditation is not a matter of trying to achieve ecstasy, spiritual bliss, or tranquillity, nor is it attempting to become a better person. It is simply the creation of a space in which we are able to expose and undo our neurotic games, our self-deceptions, our hidden fears and hopes. Chögyam Trungpa Happy to answer any inquiry or questions: (01792) 520440 Email anthonycourt@ymail anthonyjcourt
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:11:06 +0000

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