NNPC THE POWER HOUSE OF THE NIGERIA ECONOMY & THE MISSING BILLION DOLLARS QUESTIONS? The NNPC is the power house of the Nigeria economy, the brain box, the nucleus of our economy, the establishment is not transparent, we have a serious issues in our hands that many are keeping tight lips, whether $10.8 Billion Dollars missing according the Minister of Finance and the Coordinating Minister of the Economy or $12.8 Billion Dollars, $20 Billion Dollars or $58Billion Dollars oil leakages, these are very serious allegations that must not be swept underneath the carpet, recently the US grant Ukraine $1 Billion dollar as a buffer to her economy and here we have huge amount of money go missing everyday without serious persecution with harsh punishment to culprit, these things our leaders are doing will come back one day to hunt them, you cannot AFFORD to build your foundation on sand, it will surely collapse rather you build your house on a solid rock with stronger institutions to checkmates all these impunity going on. Our youths ranging from the ages of 10-35years old, all they see, hear, know and read about is corruption practices, insecurity and deceit given birth to huge poverty and insecurity to the less privilege in the society, the youths are leaning fast and dangerously, they dont know any better, all they see around them is what they know, do not forget the bible says Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it Proverb 22:6. The youths knows all that is happening, namely pension funds, Police Equipment Funds, Oil Thief, Neiti $22Billion Dollar not remitted by NNPC, $12Billion Dollars Oil windfall still missing till date, the Abacha loots, $16Billion failed Energy Project , Failed Third Term Agenda the Billions that was wasted without accountability, Trillions of Naira of Federal Government Allocations being shared to States government without any meaning development to show, rather private jet is what the youths are seeing, we have crude oil in abundant yet we have no working refineries, we have to export out our crude dead cheap and buy back petroleum at exorbitant price this defile all economic logic and bad example for our youths, all these happening is the kind of foundation that we are building for our future generation both now and unborn. Do not regret when you are on your rocky chairs in your mansion hearing cities such as Abuja being use as collateral for foreign loans, do not weep when you hear Lagos as been used as collateral for foreign loan because this is the kind of precedent we are setting for our youths. Corruption today is endemic, from the Federal Government to the States Government, Local Government, Federal Government Ministries, the Judiciary, Civil servants, Market Women to the child on the street all corrupt because they learn from what they see and hear; they do not know any better. Today’s leadership have failed our generations and the future generations are learning fast and we need to stop all these politics and reflect on what kind of house are we TRULY building for our future generation for the bible says Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverb 22:6 SOLUTIONS & WAY FOWARD We can still turn our fortune around, never too late to start, let all those who have stole return back their loot, invest these loot in our local economy, build stronger institutions like the EFCC to be independent to checkmate corruption, heavy investment into Mechanise farming in all the states, specialist hospital bring in foreign consultants, bring in technical partners to harness our natural resources, such as Columbite, Tantalite use for the production of elements such as niobium and tantalum, Coal, Bitumen, precious stones such as beryl, aquamarine and tourmaline, Zinc, Kaolin and many untapped resources found in Nigeria, we have what it takes to creates additional wealth to what is being generated in the Oil and gas sector, we can recreates the lost middle class, build new cities, new affordable homes, get the Federal Mortgage bank to work well again, get the banks to start lending again to the private sector, embark on a NATIONWIDE ATTITUDINAL CHANGE, engage on nationwide entrepreneurship training programme to empower our youths, our unemployed graduates over 40Million unemployed Nigerians roaming the street with these numbers piling up without solutions, teach our youths how to fish and grow to become self financial independent, rather than the crumbs being handout to them, they must know how to fish, how to save for the future, teach our youths the right way, the right things in life so we don’t regret in future or spin in our graves on the endanger we have embark on. APOLOGY APOLOGY for any typo’s, errors and grammatical miss spelling’s for I wrote this revelation in tears, because Nigeria has no business with poverty, GOD did not design or wire us to suffer many afflictions, the book of lamentations was never for Nigerians, in the land of plenty we have suffering too much poverty, hunger and anger , we have suffered too much in the hands of Arm Robbers, Kidnappers, Boko Haram senseless terrorist killing, too many of our people and children have been killed senselessly in the North all these could have been avoided if only we have sincerity of purpose, equity, transparency and accountability to the very people we claim to serve.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:45:35 +0000

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