NY Times: Turkish Inaction on ISIS Advance Dismays the U.S. By - TopicsExpress


NY Times: Turkish Inaction on ISIS Advance Dismays the U.S. By MARK LANDLER, ANNE BARNARD and ERIC SCHMITT As fighters with ISIS bore down Tuesday on the Turkish border, President Obama’s plan to fight the militant group without being drawn deeper into the Syrian civil war was coming under acute strain. REBUTTAL BY This ISIS gang must really be a scary bunch. Nobody, aside from the Syrians, the heroic Hezbollah of Lebanon, and the Kurds, actually wants to fight them. The mighty U.S. Air Force refuses to directly engage ISIS; opting to blow up abandoned buildings instead. The British are sitting on their hands. Americas Arab allies arent going after them. And now comes word of Turkish inaction along its border with the Kurdish part of Syria. Under the cover of this strange protective umbrella, ISIS continues its destabilizing rampage throughout Assads Syria, the enemy of Israel. The chorus is already building for boots on the ground as the only way to stop the unbeatable masked men of ISIS. And while they are in the neighborhood, they might as well take out Assad as well (as the beheaders of ISIS escape to the next targeted country) And speaking of the Kurds, when are these notoriously thick-skulled people ever going to learn that the U.S. / Israel Axis only uses them for their own interests and at their own pleasure? A headline from todays London Guardian tells the sorry story: Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria? Amid the Syrian warzone a democratic experiment is being stamped into the ground by ISIS. That the wider world is unaware is a scandal As far back as 1972, Henry Kissinger and the puppet Shah of Iran were arming the deluded Kurds for the purpose of weakening Iraq. This is why Saddam Hussein oppressed the Kurds. The Kurds were abandoned as soon as the Shah and Saddam worked out their border dispute peacefully. Twenty years later, during Gulf War I, the elder George Bush (a former CIA chief) encouraged the Kurds, some of whom were terroristic, to again rise up against Saddam Hussein in return for getting their own new State. When they did, the U.S. pulled the rug out from under them, allowing Saddam to stay in power and crush the rebellion. During Gulf War II, the Kurds were again promised a State after the overthrow of Saddam, this time by Bush the Younger. Again, the promise was broken. Now, once again, the U.S. and its allies have aided and encouraged a Kurdish uprising, this time in Syria, before abandoning them to fight ISIS on their own. The Turks wont help the Kurds to fight ISIS because Turkey, like Syria and Iraq, has its own Kurdish minority seeking statehood. Silly Kurds. Four times now you have been played for chumps! You wouldnt be capable of running your State of Chumpistan even if the whole world recognized it. Thats what you get for trusting CIA-Mossad and its Western henchmen - who are the ones actually controlling the jihadist dupes of terrorist ISIS.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:02:50 +0000

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