Need Advice Please. So my story is a long one... im gonna try to - TopicsExpress


Need Advice Please. So my story is a long one... im gonna try to sum it up. My children were removed from my care in feb 2012 due to an assault from a partner i had already broken up with and charged. When he was released he came back without being invited assaulted me a second time and that resulted in my children being placed in kinship out of care... i followed the plan of care in order to have me children returned. In october 2012 the society made an application to the courts seeking to return my children in Jan 2013. I had recently entered into a new relationship in june 2012 , found out i was pregnant in Nov 2012. My then partner became very cold and verbally rude to me so I ended the relationship in december 2012. Jan 1st 2013 my then now ex partner broke into my house and assaulted my girlfriend and her boyfriend while they were asleep and assaulted thier friend. Because of this the society changed thier position to return and instead sought a crown wardship order with favorable access to myself. In july 2013 my child was born and removed from my care due to the actions of her father on jan 1st 2013. I had a restraining order in place and still do to this day. Oct 2013 my other children were made crown ward by way of my consent on an agreed statement of facts... i was under duress at the time and wanted to fight it but my lawyer told me if i did i would loose and not have any access with my other children. The order was favorable access including over nights weekends holidays birthdays and special occasion, over nights to start as early as april 2014. I started home access with my youngest child in jan 2014, and home access with my other children in feb 2014. There has never been any concerns with respect to the childrens safety since home access started. In june 2014 the society sought an order to return my youngest child to my care. In sept 2014 i finally started over nights with my other children. In oct 2014 i started over nights with my youngest. On oct 15th my youngest was returned to my care. Due to the societies non compliance with my access with my other children i put a complaint forward to the cfsrb in sept 2014. In oct we had our settlement facilitaion meeting. The society agreed to be more liberal with access and agreed to give more information regarding medical treatment the children recieve and even allow for me to attend some of the appointments, they also agreed to make up some visits that were missed due to me having to attend medical appointments and surgeries out of town with my youngest child. Ever since the settlement facilitation and my youngest daughter came home the society workers in charge of my other children have become uncooperative with my requests for access with my other children. They have reduced my access with them to once a week and one over night a month... they refuse to give any answer as to why... i have told them many times its upsetting to the children when access is constantly being changed... i remindedte supervisor that her job is to help support and strengthen famillies, not cause them stress and unstability.. she responded through email that because the children are crown wards her job not to support or strengthen the family it is to ensure the children permanance and thier placement is positive. The society is aware of a number of concerning issues in regards to the childrens foster placement such concerns included emotional verbal mental abuse threats of physical abuse and death, threats of placement else where and a continuing lack of supervision resulting in injuries and lack of medical attention sough. The review board facillitator told me to go to the police about these incidents claiming some of the stuff made him cringe but that he didnt have any jurastiction over it. The society agreed to work cooperatively with me to ensure the children have a more positive and appropriate placement. But there has been no changes and the society to spite me is no decreasing my access with out reason. Thenn compliance date for the services sought through the review board is nov 3rd 2014. My oldest is turning 12 next week and wants to call the provincial child advocate office immediatey. The children have stated on many occassion they would rather be moved to another better foster home until they can come home... my daughter asked her counsiller last week about coming home... the worker always attends the counsilling with my daughter... the counsiller asked the worker infront of my daughter what the posibilities were of the children going home in the future and crown ward order being terminated and the worker stated never... then the worker met with my daughter this week and my daughter stated yet again she really wants to come home and if baby sister is safe at home then she would be too and the worker told her to take it day by day... i need to know what other steps i can take about access being reduced.. i already called and left a message with the supervisors director to set up a meeting to discuss my concerns... i have not yet heard back .. i cannot contact cfsrb until non compliance date on Nov 3rd... and i also am planing to file for a status review to seek the termination of the crownwardship order since i can now proove thier has been material change because the judge that returned my youngest stated there has been material change and he just so happens to be the same judge that presided over the cas with my other children. What is my next step. Thank you for any advice.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:31:05 +0000

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