News from my Daughter & Son -in -law In Niger, Africa Here is a - TopicsExpress


News from my Daughter & Son -in -law In Niger, Africa Here is a quick update regarding the medical/evangelism/famine relief team in Niger! All team members are safely in Maradi and doing well. Last night (Sunday, March 23), we bagged up more than 1,000 pounds of food to give out today. As we were bagging it up, a Nigerien friend and pastor said, these beans are the very best food you can get in Niger. It is the food of wealthy people. It is very good food. It was an emotional moment, knowing that we will be able to provide a meal known usually only to the wealthiest of Niger. As a team, we thank you all for your prayers and the generous support given towards famine relief for this poor nation. Many children go to bed crying at night here because they are hungry. We are so thankful to be able to give some food so that hopefully, even for a short time, some of these precious children to go to bed with full stomachs. Our first day of ministry was in the village of Alfari...a remote village about 1 hour from Maradi. The gospel was presented to over 300 people with many muslims accepting Christ. Praise God! Over 1,000 pounds of food was given out to people who are starving in this village. Today, we went to another village, and presented to gospel to several hundred (more accurate figures will come later). We had many salvations and distributed about 1,200 pounds of food! Prayer requests as of this evening: *Pray for the new believers in the villages of Alfari and Kudumus, that they will continue to learn and grow in the Lord. Also, pray for the many that heard but havent made a decision to follow Christ. Pray that they will turn to the Truth as they continue to think about what theyve heard today. *Pray for a special little girl in the village of Alfari suffering from a tumor on her face. Pray for healing and that she will be comforted by our Lord. Just mentioning the possibility of a hospital visit made her cry. Pray that she wont be afraid as different treatment options are decided on. Pray for provision of funds for medical care and that she can get in contact with a physician in Niger that can treat her accurately. *Pray that God will continue to go before us and prepare hearts as we go and share the Good News with the Hausa people. *Pray for good health and strength for the entire team. The heat is very intense, reaching more than 120 degrees already. We are thankful for a nice breeze today. Pray that it continues. Thank you all SO MUCH for your prayers and support. We wouldnt be here without the support of many of you, and we arent effective without the prayers of Gods people. HE IS ABLE! We will try to send out another update in the middle of the week. Blessings, Niger Ministry Team
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:00:03 +0000

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