Nigella sativa has been used as a cure-all remedy for over a - TopicsExpress


Nigella sativa has been used as a cure-all remedy for over a thousand years. It treats everything from vomiting to fevers to skin diseases to asthma as it seems to clear out the gut and therefore balance the immune system. In a paper published last year, Nestlé scientists claimed to “discover” what much of the world has known for millennia: that nigella sativa extract could be used for “nutritional interventions in humans with food allergy”.It is a 100% natural plant that is readily available to everyone for its healing abilities. We source two wonderful oils from this plant and we take great pride working with high energy companies that are aware of the impact of intention and energies on the growth of the seed as well as the pressing thereof which has done wonders for many of our clients. How can it be possible that such a wonderful gift of nature could be owned by Nestle worldwide and would shut down any other access to this plant? Nestlé is claiming to own it, and filing patent claims around the world to try and take control over the natural cure and turn it into a costly private drug. Nestlé is attempting to create a nigella sativa monopoly and gain the ability to sue anyone using it without Nestlé’s permission. Nestlé has filed patent applications -- which are currently pending -- around the world. When I started Halka B. Organics I thought there is no way I will survive as a human being but on the way I found that there are so many people and companies that do care and that do take pride in being connected to the natural beauty within and around us. There is something utterly beautiful in simplicity and authenticity. There seems to be respect, trust and believe and an utter wonder and gratitude each day anew and I am sure you too can feel it the moment you encounter it. Id like to keep it that way - plants should be readily available and Nigella Sativa is the medicine of many people in impoverished countries that would not have access to it at all any longer and we certainly would not have access to such a high energy crop either. Thought Id share this with you, dont know what your feelings are about these things but would like to make this petition available for you to sign if you wish to do so. And if you, yourself, have stories to tell about the black cumin seed oil please do share it with us. So lets align the energy back into something utterly beautiful - take a deep breath, connect to your heart, put some nice oils on you and ENJOY your Sunday!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:45:02 +0000

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