Nikola Tesla said: When thinking of the universe, think of energy, - TopicsExpress


Nikola Tesla said: When thinking of the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration. Everything in the universe is energy expressing itself as various types of matter, but in reality, the only difference between any of that matter (Say, a hydrogen atom to a helium one) is the frequency at which it vibrates, and that is all. The cosmos is permeated with energy, and this energy is alive and conscious, some call it god, others call it the Zero-Point Energy Field, it makes up all the space around you and even indeed your body and thoughts are energetic vibrations. That said, energy is extremely powerful, within the space between your fingers there is the energy to power our entire planet for a day, it would need some kind of way to balance itself out or the entire universe would be very unbalanced and subject to high amounts of quantum fluctuations, which are a bit like a glitch in the matrix, the way that this energy balances itself out is with positive and negative, that is why so much of our third dimensional perspective is a duality, good and bad, light and dark, up and down, yin and yang, balance is the nature of the universe. Although time itself exists as a singularity, we, as beings who exist up to the third dimension, perceive time as linear, and it flows like a river. If you imagine a river flowing in your mind, now imagine that river is made of lots of little tiny vibrations (Which it is, but imagine you could actually see them). The river flows so well because the water molecules are vibrating in harmony with one another, they are literally Going with the flow. Atoms are wavelengths of energy and energy is conscious and so therefore every atom in the universe is conscious however atoms do not have bodies or organs to operate them, so they are entirely subject to the will of the universe, the water atoms inside the river cannot decide to stop flowing, they are all perfectly interdependent of each other, all of them individual atoms yet collectively they make a mighty river. Now imagine that theres a big rock sticking out from the bottom of this river, you can see in your mind when the flow reaches the rock it ripples and splits and moves around the rock, the flow is interrupted briefly. Now, imagine this same river like you can see it for what it is again, energy. Imagine this energy was all different colours, and that the more harmoniously the energy was vibrating, the lower down on the colour spectrum on this photo it would appear, you would see the water as the bottom indigo colour, harmonious, positively flowing energy. If you were to look at the rock this way you would see it as red at the top because it is not in harmony with the environment around it, it uses a vast amount of energy to disrupt the flow, and so the rock is disharmoniously, negatively vibrating energy. I am telling you this because, like the river, this same energy is what we are also made of, and we also vibrate, the question then becomes what frequency do you operate on, and are you in the positive or the negative? We humans perceive other humans who are vibrating on harmonious frequencies as attractive and healthy, and people who operate on very disharmonious frequencies appear the opposite, and this can vary to a very radical degree. For example, if you eat a lot of crap, talk a lot of crap, think a lot of crap, watch a lot of crap, ignore the temple that is your body, are nasty, are selfish, then your body and mind will begin to start vibrating on disharmonious frequencies, and you will start to be perceived by others as a big fat stupid bastard. The reason that peace, love and happiness are so important to humans is that it affects our bodies energetically the same way that food and water does, if we feel negative emotions we vibrate negatively, and when we vibrate on negative frequencies we become unstable, we perceive this unstability in various ways, as angst or anger or sorrow, and the flow of the life energy into your body will ripple and split like the water around the rock in the river, and you will become just as malnourished as if you were starving to death. The reason that positive vibration is so important is because we all came into this world by the act of creation during lovemaking, and inherently, we all share the gift of creation. Vibrating on negative frequency gets you nowhere, you sink to the bottom of the river and all the water flows around you, but when you change your mind-set, start thinking positively, kindly to others and most importantly to yourself, love yourself and all others, start treating yourself with respect by eating healthily and exercising and relaxing you begin to vibrate on positive frequencies and the universe, being an infinite sea of cosmic energy from which you came, to which you will return and that which you have always been, will respond to your intention, because you are genuinely that powerful as a being, with every thought you think you alter the universe forever, because you are sending energetic vibrations rippling out into the universe like ripples in a pond. Right now we live in a world where the vast majority of people vibrate on negative frequencies, there are various people and things to blame for this, first and foremost will always be the society that we are subjected to, every single aspect of it was designed with painstaking attention to detail by the most powerful men on the planet for the specific purposes of stopping you from vibrating on those positive frequencies, because you will be too powerful to control if you were, think of the power locked up inside the flow of a river, compared to a single rock just sitting there. So they genetically altered all of our food and stuck in harmful chemicals, and they poisoned our water with fluoride, a substance which is so toxic and volatile that it calcifies the pineal gland in the centre of our brain. They poisoned the air we breathe with pollution, radiation and chemtrails, and then they stuck the people in the midst of a system in which they NEED to subvert others in order to progress. They took away the art, and the free information, and they replaced it with propaganda. However, despite all of the horrors we are subjected to by these people, who are partially to blame for the conditions we live in, the real culprit behind it all, is you. The rulers of our world, ironically, in their attempt to addict us to their way of life to profit from our labour, themselves became addicted to power, because it is not the substance which is addictive, its the human brains capacity to be addicted to the thing in question, and power can be very addictive, and corrosive to the mental state of a human being. These people are no different from any of the countless people they have indoctrinated because they themselves are slaves to their own greed, vibrating on negative frequencies, power is the medium they use to feel positive, the way a drug addict takes their fix to feel positive for a while. This is why it is your fault, and yours alone, because everything that has ever happened to you, both good and bad is your own fault, even the worst most horrible things that have sadly happened to you, it was you who caused it, and the same goes for everything youve ever done that makes you smile, it was you and you alone. You see, the nature of our reality is one of a duality where both contradictions (Light/dark, etc) cannot exist without the other, any aspect of reality you can think of has an opposite counterpart, and this counterpart exists in some form. That said, the ONLY thing you can be sure of for a certainty, is that you exist, for you cannot be conscious of being unconscious, so therefore, you also do not exist. Now, this is where things start to get confusing, how can we exist and not exist at the same time? Well a big part of that is the fact that the entire universe around us is a holographic projection, and really, there exists only one big thing and this thing is everything, and everywhere, and its all there is, and this thing has the power to express itself in any way, shape or form, this is the universal mind, it is the same mind that you are using right now, it is you, except that you perceive yourself as separate from it, much the same way the blood cells in your body perceive themselves as separate, when they collectively create the being that is you. So too, do we collectively create the being that we call Mother Earth, and so on, all of the planets collectively creating solar systems and galaxies and universes and multiverses and on and on and on infinitely. So how can we be both one thing and the other, exist yet not exist? Its all about perception! The universe is a conscious entity trying to experience itself, and you are a bit like a pair of binoculars, the universe looks through your eyes and it can see your entire life up close and personal, but it loses the sight of everything else around it, this is what happens when you experience life from this perspective, try to look outside of your stream of vision, what can you see? Nothing, because you are god looking through the eyes of the being that is you. Yet at the same time, that same being is looking through my own eyes, the only reason we arent all aware of our true nature is because the only point of view we have all ever seen from birth is our own, so we see ourselves as separate from others, because we dont exist in the same space that they do, but that is irrelevant, because or body and mind exist in the same space yet they are separate things. The truth is, we are not independent, nor are we a collective, we are all inter-dependent, we are all individual beings whos entire existence depends on every other beings existence, so we are all co-creating the reality we are experiencing right now, we are all just imagining what is going on around us, everybody and everything are just figments of our imagination, however, that said, all you have to do is switch your point of view and suddenly you are something else, the only thing which exists and now everything else is a figment of your imagination, but you are no longer the person you were beforehand so now subsequently that person must now be a figment of your imagination. The reason that positive vibration is so important is because perceiving yourself as separate from nature, you lose touch with harmony, when you are aware that you are the universe experiencing itself as a human, instead of being the big heavy rock that goes nowhere, now part of a mighty flowing river, with the power of a steam-roller behind you, the life-force energy, or Chi propels you forwards towards you on your journey back to the source, that which you have come from, a sea of cosmic energy, so shall you return there. But just as the water molecules that flow down the river into the sea evaporate into clouds and then fall once again as rain to fill the rivers once more, so too does your energy recycle, although one day your body will be old and you will die, your spirit will return to the source, to the cosmic life-force that permeates the entire universe, and then you will be born into your next life, to experience more, such is the nature of Samsara or cyclical existence Like the cycles of wavelengths, so too does the universe work in cycles, like the circle of life, the process of water flowing down a river, and so on. This is called cyclical existence, or Samsara, and it is the reality that we are all experiencing here together right now. Spiritual enlightenment, or Nirvana is a state of mind which can be achieved by all beings, and in reality, what this actually is, is the end of this cycle, the conscious decision to stop reincarnating cyclically, and to return to the source from which we came, the endless sea of cosmic energy, to become what many people have called God. The path is long, but like all others, it begins with but a single step! Peace, love, and happiness is something that I wish upon all of you, and I thank you for taking the time to read this, it is important that in the midst of all the negativity that surrounds us, that we treat each other positively, otherwise Nirvana for all of us will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued. JAH RASTAFARI! https://youtube/watch?v=gODh1nsHlPg
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 02:09:50 +0000

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