Nominated by Jozie Townsend 7 facts about me.. 1. Iv lost my - TopicsExpress


Nominated by Jozie Townsend 7 facts about me.. 1. Iv lost my mummy and 3 big brothers 💔. 2. Im a very strong girl and if anyone tries to break me or put me down it will make me stronger and i will come back 10 times better than i was before. 3. I have 2 beautiful kids till 2 different daddys who are still in there lives. 4. Eliza near kilt me in labour lost loads of blood she got stuck comeing out and a doctor had 2 pull her out with her hand tmi lol but lost a good lot of blood was near ready for surgery but they got it stopped. 5. People have drove me to wanting to take my own life i think what i have been through already is enough without people bounceing on my back n constantly at me!. 6. I try 2 be the best mummy i can not everyone is perfect but i do try my best with my kids as long as they have a roof over there heads and food in there belly thats all that matters. 7. I say it how it is i take life one day at a time this past few weeks have been shit for me i have never been at my lowest the way i am constantly getting dragged down but ill take my time and turn the tabels i will come back bigger and stronger iv done it before 😊
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:21:26 +0000

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