Not only should a new grand jury be convened and a special - TopicsExpress


Not only should a new grand jury be convened and a special prosecutor appointed to finally honestly pursue #JusticeforMikeBrown, Bob McCulloch and Sandy McElroy, the lying witness and the prosecutor who presented her lies as evidence, should both be charged criminally as accessories after the fact to the murder. They each willfully obstructed justice in order to protect the murderer. Same as if they threw away the murder weapon or drove the get away car, they are criminally liable as accomplices even if their participation did not start until after the crime had taken place. They should die in jail just like the murderer. Sandy McElroy was never near Canfield Drive on August 9. She completely fabricated her entire story weeks after Darren Wilson killed Mike Brown. During their interrogation of her, Sandy McElroy was completely shredded by the FBI as a racist, a liar, unstable, and more. They proved in their own interview, with evidence, that McElroy lied about ever being there, about how she left the scene, about key details of the case that she claimed she witnessed, and more. Furthermore, Sandy McElroy, beyond being a convicted felon, had a record in St. Louis of interfering with investigations and making preposterous claims about connections she had to cold cases. All of this was known to St. Louis officials. Her extreme racism was not private, but public, and was discussed at great length with the FBI before she was ever allowed to testify before the grand jury. You must understand, then, that Sandy McElroy, whose testimony matches that of Darren Wilsons better than any witness who testified, was only called to the grand jury, not once, but twice, and allowed to present concocted physical evidence at that, because she was a neutron bomb for this case. Not ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE proving that she was there could be found and scores of evidence that she made the entire thing up was presented weeks before she was ever allowed to testify before the grand jury, but it was all deliberately ignored. Not only was it negligent to allow Sandy McElroy to testify, it was a deliberate attempt at poisoning the grand jury, who stated to her on record many times that they did not believe she was lying. Furthermore, her testimony has been used to champion the credibility of Darren Wilson time after time by conservative media who seem to not care at all about her character or credibility. All by itself, I believe the inclusion of Sandy McElroy as a witness before the grand jury is grounds for a new grand jury. Her testimony did irreparable damage to the case—which was clearly her intent from the start.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:29:46 +0000

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