Not sure WHO this is for but here goes...... You know when God - TopicsExpress


Not sure WHO this is for but here goes...... You know when God speaks; I listen... Part of me cant even believe this article (below) is real. That someone so self righteously would write something admitting theyre so selfish, self consumed, cold & cruel & then IGNORANTLY rationalize the decisions. Of course it hits home for me as these last 7 years as a divorced mom to 3 young children very close in age & the woes of their Dad giving them a much different upbringing than that of which I would have chosen in many ways. And the many people (not of such wise counsel I HAVE TO SAY) agreeing & promoting certain things simply because they just didnt know any better (note to self-- pray about these people & that my wisdom remains growing in Godly wisdoms again today;). But ALL things work together for the GOOD for those who believe & my story is leaving breathing testimony and just one of billions! Finding ways to cope & maintain emotional health as well as the many other challenges faced & have OVERCOME ALL AND SO MUCH MORE WITH GODS GRACE!!!! People: JUST BECAUSE some have more money or are married or arent married, family, no family, skinny, fat, own a home or rent one, have finer things or dont; DOES NOT make them better in any way. Ive learned that its NOT what we do for ourselves when we have much or even little but rather what we do for OTHERS. And even more importantly; do we do it for recognition??? Do we give and announce to the world how wonderful we are because we are giving XYZ to so & so & OMG they are SO UNAPPRECIATIVE AND SUCH A LOSER & THEY DIDNT EVEN SAY THANK YOU (Im totally guilty of this last one checking myself here too) ETC ETC or do we do it truly just to bless them & selflessly. We need to check our TRUE INTENTIONS in our hearts before we give or dont give before we judge and gossip and create more anger & ugliness that comes right back around- Im honored and immensely blessed for the wisdom I have gained these last 7 years as an independent woman with no second income. B/c of his dishonesty NOT ONE PENNY in child support is provided to help me maintain for them & I should mention ZERO help/support from a soul/family member helping me raise/cook/clean/bath etc them when theyre with me. We do have 50/50 but I truly whole hearted let believe that shouldnt have been either. But its all in Gods plan and in His timing that ALL truths come to light-(Thankfully they have a Dad that loves them the best he knows how and I speak highly on his good qualities and do my best to give God the rest) Amazingly my 3 children are HONEST, polite (most of the time haha), awesome students, pillars of love and light & often generous - (still working on my youngest with sharing lol) Im richly blessed beyond any dollar amount despite the wreckage of the unGodly marriage I was in that resulted in divorce creating much consequently negative division & struggles! I know much lesser women have accomplished far greater things. It just SINCERELY AMAZES me the blessing that comes from serving SELFLESSLY intentionally from my heart. Giving just to give with no ulterior motives except to just bless someone. Not to out-do someone or down talk them to build me up or for any other reason than to just bless another... And if you cant or wont give to someone in need thats ok but just dont look down on them, judge them harshly or gossip especially someone walking a path you, yourself havent walked. Its a sin & creates consequences in your own hearts that you dont even realize. Thank you God for the clarity & amount of wisdom I have gained simply by just knowing who Jesus is & experiencing life as I have carrying the weight without a husband or help. Balancing it all out & weeding out the unGodliness & wreckers/wreckage of my past so I can know right from wrong & raise my children with dignity & intense assurance that I AM ENOUGH & an amazing role model of a Mother, family member & friend. Even in my failures, everybody learns. Thankful so thankful!! Long post I know but I felt compelled to share. Hope this inspired someone today!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:37:38 +0000

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