(Nov. 11, 2013) The Senate Nuclear Option exercised by President - TopicsExpress


(Nov. 11, 2013) The Senate Nuclear Option exercised by President Obama today. Many of you may recall the Nixon Watergate, though many of you may not realize that Nixon was not thrown out of office as president but that he resigned. His resignation was not due to the impeachment; rather, he resigned because the impeachment proceedings combined with a witch hunt by the media and the Democratic Party made it impossible for him to govern, to fulfill his role as president. Hillary Clinton was part of that witch hunt and was fired for being too aggressive in her efforts to oust Nixon. Bill Clinton was impeached as well though for a different reason. Nixon had been prosecuted for lying in an effort to protect his friends. Clinton was prosecuted for lying to protect himself. However, Clinton refused to resign. President Obama now finds himself in the same boat as Nixon. With virtually half of the entire nation wanting Obama tried for treason, it has become increasingly difficult for Obama to accomplish anything as president. Nixon resigned because of that difficulty. Today, instead of resigning, Obama has had Harry Reid enact the Nuclear option in order to override a filibuster on an Obama judicial appointment by Republicans. Obama condemns Republicans for what he deems as being excessive resistance to his proposals. What Obama fails to realize is extremism begets extremism. The more radical his proposals, the more extreme his opposition will become. This is a fact of life which Obama should applaud, not oppose; and when Obama was part of the minority political group, he did indeed applaud that extremism. When Obama was a U.S. Senator during Bushes presidency, when Bush considered the Nuclear option as a response to filibusters by Democrats, Obama condemned the nuclear option declaring its usage would comprise a power grab by any president. On that note: Obama, as president, is conducting (with his own acknowledgement) the nuclear option as a power grab. And dont forget, in Minnesota when Republicans planned to pass legislation more restrictive of the Teacher Labor Union, since Democrats didnt have enough votes to stop Republicans from overriding a filibuster, Democrats fled the state hoping their absence would prevent a vote from being cast. When that failed and the legislation still passed, Democrats tried to have a recall election on the Governor. That too failed with the Governor being reaffirmed by that states voters. Yet, President Obama was quite vocal at that time condemning Republicans for passing the legislation declaring they didnt have the right to ignore the demands of the Democratic Party minority. (How many times has Obama refused to head the demands of Senate Republicans? The Halls still echo with Obamas refrain of compromise is out of the question.) This overreach for power by Obama will have repercussions down the road should Republicans acquire the presidency as Democrats will no longer be able to condemn a Republican president for usage of the Nuclear option unless Democrats do an about face and condemn Obama for using it. Obama is claiming it is Republican extremism which is forcing him to use the Nuclear option; yet it is Obamas extremism which has forced Republicans at act equally so in response to Obamas repeated refusal to compromise in any way, shape or form to Republicans demands. With over three more years left in his presidency, Obamas presidency is rapidly becoming the equivalent to Nixons in which Nixon had to resign due to his inability to effectively govern. Republicans need to continue a growing campaign to force Obama to resign for the same reason along with prosecuting him for his repeated treasonous acts against Americans and the U.S. Constitution.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:55:52 +0000

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