November 2013 Newsletter Late autumn is definitely here. The - TopicsExpress


November 2013 Newsletter Late autumn is definitely here. The weather has been getting colder each day. Throughout November, the students at Eagle learned songs, words, and sentences related to Thanksgiving, family, and toys. They also learned to be thankful for life’s blessings and good harvests. The children now understand the importance of family and relationships through learning about the traditions of Thanksgiving. Christmas is just around the corner. Our students are in a festive mood as they begin learning Christmas songs and dances. Everyone is looking forward to the Christmas Party that will be coming soon. Eagle’s Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 19th. Please dress your child in Christmas-themed clothes for the party. (For further information, feel free to ask our staff.) The Baby Class started in Eagle last April. When the young ones first joined, they did not even know how to hold a pencil properly. As we reach the beginning of December, they are now able to speak and write. The parents are very happy to see their child’s progress. Starting January 2014, we aim to recruit more students for the Baby Class. We have the confidence, the expertise, and the experience to do well with these young curious students. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help us and introduce potential students to Eagle. Thank you for your constant support! Notices: • Eagle’s winter break starts on Saturday, December 21st to Sunday, January 5th. • Uniforms are mandatory. Students MUST be dressed appropriately every time they come to school. You may add more layers to the school uniform to make it warmer. For instance, students can wear black tights under their uniform pants or skirts. 11月のお便り 暦は立冬を過ぎて、季節は晩秋冬枯れに向かうこの時季、柿の実もいよいよ赤くなり、寒さも一般と厳しくなります。 11月には、ThanksGiving Day (感謝祭)、Family (家族の構成)、Toy (玩具) に関して、勉強しました。収穫・食事が出来る事に感謝する事、家族の絆も大事にすることをも学びました。感謝祭が終われば、クリスマス迄約一か月となり、子供達は楽しみにクリスマスシーズンを迎えます。クリスマス関連用語、歌、踊りを始めると、もう皆さんはお祭り気分一色、パーティーを待ちきれなく楽しみにしています。 12月19日(木)にはクリスマスパーティーを開催予定しており、その日は皆さん好きなパーティー服でいらして下さい。 ベビークラスとして4月に入学致しました子供達が早いもので今では “話す事・書く事”等が出来るようになり、ご父兄の皆様に大変良い評価を頂き学校として大変喜こばしい事です。これを機に、イーグルは2014年 1月以降は2歳未満の子供も積極的にお預かりし、その教育には絶対の自信がありますので、お友達のご紹介を宜しくお願い致します。 お知らせ!! ※12月21日(土)から1月5日(日)迄イーグルは冬休みとなり、 1月6日(月)より授業が始まりますので、間違いないように登校してください。 ※ 急に寒くなり、私服での登校が目立ちます。制服着用での登校がイーグルの決め事(ルール)であり私服は厳禁とします。寒い時は男女ともに黒いタイツを着用してください。
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:24:43 +0000

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