November 29, 2013 - A landmark day in Nagalands struggling march - TopicsExpress


November 29, 2013 - A landmark day in Nagalands struggling march towards a brighter future. The Silver Linings in the clouds above our dark skies are getting brighter guys... On November 26, a village GB was assaulted by ex-cadres of a underground faction. Why? They were extorting and collecting money from poor villagers forcefully and when the GB tried to stop them, they beat him up mercilessly... A handful of members from ACAUT(Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation) along with the help of The Naga Blog, inspite of all the discouragement and skepticism took up the challenge to go around house to house and collect signatures for a petition. An online petition was also started on TNB where just 1783 bloggers signed this historic petition. A total of around 2800 signatures was submitted to the Chief Minister, Governor, Chief Secy and Home Minister to immediately arrest these Culprits!!! The culprit HAS BEEN BOOKED and ARRESTED by the Police today. Why this is historic is because, for way too long, Nagas have lived in fear under the barrel of the gun. First it was the Indian Army which tortured and killed thousands of Nagas and burned several villages.... Our people chose to forgive and forget in good Chirstian spirit, because we can never walk forward with our heads turned backwards and sticking to historical grudges..Australian Govt apologized to the Aboriginal People for all the atrocities which were committed to the indigenous inhabitants of Australia. We also wish for a similar gesture but at the same time choose to forgive the misdeeds of a few foolish people in History...and decided to leave the grudges behind and Walk towards a brighter and better future! And then the Undergrounds came, without turning their guns at their enemy, turned their guns at their own people. Majority of the cadres resort to threat, shooting and killing in public areas and assaulting the common man who dared to raise his Voice against all this Nonsense! We said ENOUGH and ENOUGH! As men and women from a Warrior tribe, we will still uphold the values of our Ancestors and Speak the Truth. Irrespective of all the criticisms and divisive propagandas, a few soldiers stood together to fight for the common good. And THIS IS THE DAY that we achieved a small yet SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE! Something which people told us that we were crazy bunch of fools trying to achieve the impossible....We switched off our ears, TURNED ON our CONSCIENCE and focussed on our sole Rational Objective! A day of Hope and Reassurance to prove that if people come together to work for a good cause, He will never forsake you but guide you to the shores....Still a long way to go. But lets take a breather and say cheers to our soldiers who went house to house collecting the signatures for the petition and those who waited the entire day for the CMs appointment and submitted the petition in person - ACAUTs Solomon, Joel Nillo Kath, uncle Khekiye Sema, Mar Longkumer, Jonah Achumi, Sangti Konyak, Aamugha Chishi, Kuku Therie, Kevin Gonmei, Khumo Khiam, Reuben L Konyak, Ating Shangshi Konyak, Penao Jesuhu Konyak, Barth Humtsoe, Jenpu Rongmei, Tokato Kiho, Deo Huprem, Hitoca Achumi, Toiho, Terho Letou, KDzakie Naga and if I may have missed out any names, please know that we forget only those who we value the most I salute you!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:08:46 +0000

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