November 5 Most Favored: Always continue the climb. It is - TopicsExpress


November 5 Most Favored: Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, American author and poet. Her best-known work was Poems of Passion, 1850-1919 In a measure the Great Sadness was lifted from me, and, where I had seen omnipresent death, I saw now everywhere the pageant and triumph of life. Will Durant, prolific American writer, historian, and philosopher. He is best known for The Story of Civilization. He was earlier noted for The Story of Philosophy. He conceived of philosophy as total perspective. He sought to unify and humanize the great body of historical knowledge, which had grown voluminous and become fragmented into esoteric specialties, and to vitalize it for contemporary application, 1885-1981 That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe. John Berger, art critic, novelist, painter and author, b. 1926 Ive only ever trusted my gut on everything. I dont trust my head, I dont trust my heart, I trust my gut. Bryan Adams, Canadian rock singer-songwriter, musician, producer, actor and photographer, b. 1959 Favorites: The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself. Washington Allston, American painter and poet, 1779-1843 The spark divine dwells in thee: let it grow. All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand. Unless the humblest creatures on the earth Are bettered by thy loving sympathy Think not to find a Paradise beyond. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For this sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Ella Wheeler Wilcox If ever I become entirely respectable I shall be quite sure that I have outlived myself. Do not worry over the charge of treason to your masters, but be concerned about the treason that involves yourselves. Be true to yourself and you cannot be a traitor to any good cause on earth. Eugene V. Debs, American union leader, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Debs was instrumental in the founding of the American Railway Union (ARU), one of the nations first industrial unions. He called a boycott of the ARU against handling trains with Pullman cars, in what became the nationwide Pullman Strike, affecting most lines west of Detroit, and more than 250,000 workers in 27 states. To keep the mail running, President Grover Cleveland used the United States Army to break the strike. As a leader of the ARU, Debs was convicted of federal charges for defying a court injunction against the strike and served six months in prison. He ran as the Socialist Partys candidate for the presidency in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the last time from a prison cell. Debs was noted for his oratory, and his speech denouncing American participation in World War I led to his second arrest in 1918. He was convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced to a term of 10 years. President Warren G. Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921. Debs died in 1926, not long after being admitted to a sanatorium, 1855-1926 The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionaries are philosophers and saints. Will Durant The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science. But he regards these theories not as statements of ultimate fact but as art-forms. John B. S. Haldane, British-born geneticist and evolutionary biologist generally credited with a central role in the development of neo-Darwinian thinking. A staunch Marxist, he was critical of Britains role in the Suez Crisis and moved to India and became an Indian citizen. He was also one of the founders of population genetics, 1892-1964 We may think there is willpower involved, but more likely... change is due to want power. Wanting the new addiction more than the old one. Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now. George A. Sheehan, best known for his books about the sport of running. He later became a cardiologist, 1918-1993 We dont believe other peoples experiences can tell us all that much about our own. I think this is an illusion of uniqueness. Daniel Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He is a social psychologist known for his research on affective forecasting, with a special emphasis on cognitive biases such as the impact bias. He is the author of the international bestseller Stumbling on Happiness, b. 1957 Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances. Bryan Adams Others: Tis the set of the sail that decides the goal, and not the storm of life. The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind. There is no sudden entrance into Heaven. Slow is the ascent by the path of Love. The man who radiates good cheer, who makes life happier wherever he meets it, is always a man of vision and faith. There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. So many gods, so many creeds, so many paths that wind and wind while just the art of being kind is all the sad world needs. Look in; and learn the wrong, and right, From your own souls unwritten laws. And when you question, or demur, Let Love be your Interpreter. You never can tell when you do an act Just what the result will be; But with every deed you are sowing a seed, Though the harvest you may not see. Tis easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows along like a song; But the man worth while is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Intellectual darkness is essential to industrial slavery. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough. For myself, I want no advantage over my fellow man, and if he is weaker than I, all the more is it my duty to help him. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks. Those who produce should have, but we know that those who produce the most - that is, those who work hardest, and at the most difficult and most menial tasks, have the least. The Man of Galilee, the Carpenter, the workingman who became the revolutionary agitator of his day soon found himself to be an undesirable citizen in the eyes of the ruling knaves and they had him crucified. I do not oppose the insane asylum — but I abhor and condemn the cutthroat system that robs man of his reason, drives him to insanity and makes the lunatic asylum an indispensable adjunct to every civilized community. Solidarity is not a matter of sentiment but a fact, cold and impassive as the granite foundations of a skyscraper. If the basic elements, identity of interest, clarity of vision, honesty of intent, and oneness of purpose, or any of these is lacking, all sentimental pleas for solidarity, and all other efforts to achieve it will be barren of results. Now my friends, I am opposed to the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the natural equipment to do for myself but because I am not satisfied to make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under the old ethic that mans business on this earth was to look out for himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast. Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man. Eugene V. Debs Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists - with it all things are possible. Ida Tarbell, American teacher, author and journalist. She is best known for her 1904 book The History of the Standard Oil Company, which depicted John D. Rockefeller as crabbed, miserly, money-grabbing, and viciously effective at monopolizing the oil trade, 1857-1944 The poets business is not to save the soul of man but to make it worth saving. Half to forget the wandering and pain,/ Half to remember days that have gone by,/ And dream and dream that I am home again! James Elroy Flecker, English poet, novelist and playwright, 1884-1915 Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. There have been only 268 of the past 3,421 years free of war. Man became free when he recognized that he was subject to law. Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul. There is nothing in socialism that a little age or a little money will not cure. Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal. Power dements even more than it corrupts, lowering the guard of foresight and raising the haste of action. The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. It may be true that you cant fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country. We Americans are the best informed people on earth as to the events of the last twenty-four hours; we are the not the best informed as the events of the last sixty centuries. If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous. Love one another. My final lesson of history is the same as that of Jesus. You may think thats a lot of lollipop but just try it. Love is the most practical thing in the world. If you take an attitude of love toward everybody you meet, youll eventually get along. I feel for all faiths the warm sympathy of one who has come to learn that even the trust in reason is a precarious faith, and that we are all fragments of darkness groping for the sun. I know no more about the ultimates than the simplest urchin in the streets. India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europes languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all. It is a mistake to think that the past is dead. Nothing that has ever happened is quite without influence at this moment. The present is merely the past rolled up and concentrated in this second of time. You, too, are your past; often your face is your autobiography; you are what you are because of what you have been; because of your heredity stretching back into forgotten generations; because of every element of environment that has affected you, every man or woman that has met you, every book that you have read, every experience that you have had; all these are accumulated in your memory, your body, your character, your soul. So with a city, a country, and a race; it is its past, and cannot be understood without it. Will Durant There can be no truce between science and religion. To the biologist the problem of socialism appears largely as a problem of size. I have never yet met a healthy person who worried very much about his health, or a really good person who worried much about his own soul. If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of his creation it would appear that God has a special fondness for stars and beetles. John B. S. Haldane Exercise is done against ones wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse. There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down / until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living. George A. Sheehan You can plan events, but if they go according to your plan they are not events. Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion. The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams, like a dog in its basket, of hares in the open. Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world which operates on the basis of necessity. Compassion opposes this order and is therefore best thought of as being in some way supernatural. John Berger I was on a train of lies. I couldnt jump off. Clifford Irving, American investigative reporter and writer. He is best known for a fake autobiography of Howard Hughes in the early 1970s. After Hughes denounced him and sued McGraw-Hill, the publisher, Irving confessed the hoax and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison, serving 17 month, b. 1930 Ike Turner, American musician, bandleader, songwriter, arranger, talent scout, and record producer. His repertoire included blues, soul, rock, and funk. His first recording, Rocket 88, with the Kings of Rhythm, credited to Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats, in 1951 is considered a contender for first rock and roll song, 1931-2007 – info only Art Garfunkel, a Grammy-award winning American singer, poet, and Golden Globe-nominated actor best known for being one half of the folk duo Simon & Garfunkel, b. 1941 – info only Democracys a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, its no longer democracy, is it? Its something else. It may be an inch away from totalitarianism. Sam Shepard, American playwright, actor, and television and film director. He is the author of several books of short stories, essays, and memoirs, b. 1943 Jonny Greenwood, English musician and composer best known as a member of the rock band Radiohead. Beyond his primary roles as Radioheads lead guitarist and keyboardist, Greenwood is a multi-instrumentalist and also plays viola, harmonica, glockenspiel, banjo and drums, and works with computer-generated sounds and sampling; he is also a computer programmer and writes music software used by Radiohead. Noted for his aggressive playing style, Greenwood is consistently named as one of the greatest guitarists of the modern era, b. 1971 – info only
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:04:03 +0000

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