Now that the R-T plan has been thrown out of the window, other - TopicsExpress


Now that the R-T plan has been thrown out of the window, other options like a development board or special package are being considered. Hyderabad:Hectic parleys are on in New Delhi to find a solution to the knotty Telangana issue soon. Sources disclosed that the Rayala-Telangana plan having been bunged out of the window by all, other options like a development board or special package are being considered. On Thursday, AICC State affairs in-charge Digvijay Singh went to the residence of the Union minister S Jaipal Reddy and discussed about Telangana. Digvijay spent nearly three hours with Jaipal and reportedly discussed the political situation in the State in general and the Telangana issue in particular, say sources. Digvijay Singh is in touch with State leaders and also Opposition leaders recording their opinion on T. “It is the political fallout that is at the core of the issue,” remarked a T-Con­gress MP on phone from Delhi. The Congress can ill-afford to suffer an erosion of its base in Andhra Pradesh as it is the AP Congress that provides lifeblood to Congress at the Centre. The biggest block to a decision is the MIM which does not support a Telangana state with Hyderabad as its capital. The party preferred either a city state or to be a part of United AP. It is also reported that differences exist between party chief Sonia Gandhi and vice-president Rah­ul Gandhi. The latter is uneasy about carving up the State. The buzz is that the Congress high command would be taking a decision on T soon.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:22:22 +0000

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