Now that the elections are over, I have seen countless posts of - TopicsExpress


Now that the elections are over, I have seen countless posts of discontent concerning the two-party system. My concern is not that people are complaining about republican or democrat victories. Those complaints are the subtle glimpses of a new wave of American political identification. They are the expressions of a gut feeling deep within us all, a deep feeling of misrepresentation, of deception, of corruption. A deep feeling that has its roots within the electoral system itself. When you introduce money into politics via big business, you create a system that is more about bending to the needs and wishes of business than is about representing the constituency. It creates a system that is hostile to change, progress, and innovation, instead leaving behind the shell of a representative body filled with nothing but dollar bills and egos. To make matters worse, this system protects itself from progress by subverting third party candidates. It places us into an us vs them (R v D) mentality that ultimately leads to disagreement, which leads to disinterest in politics in general. As the League of Women Voters once stated, the demands of the two campaign organizations would perpetrate a fraud on the American voter. It is a fraud, an abuse of power, and it is in fact dangerous. These complaints inspire me because they tell me that we are waking up as a society in need of reform. What concerns me is that people are leaderless; striving for unity in a polarized nation. If this speaks to you, I highly suggest you click on the following link. Ben Swann is an honest journalist that provides keen insight into the current political world. In this video he speaks about the Free and Equal Election Foundation that is sprinting with the torch of liberty towards open political debates throughout the country; with an eventual goal of making elections fair for all candidates running. The gut feeling within you is screaming for change; not artificial, smoke and mirrors change, but clear the smoke and smash the mirrors change. If you want change, make a difference by educating yourself and those around you. If you need inspiration, look up the following groups and individuals to see how theyre changing the world around them for the better. James Gurak - Free and Equal Volunteer Staff Writer
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:48:22 +0000

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