O Beautiful People, Let me take a break from thoroughly - TopicsExpress


O Beautiful People, Let me take a break from thoroughly enjoying ny trip to Nigeria - to waste our time whining about Nigerias myriad issues. They are many and it is a failure of leadership, many thanks to a fawning, complicit citizenry. So now, our doctors have been sacked by Mr. President. Yogi Berra would say dis one na deja vu all over again! ASUU held the nation hostage, pumped greedy fists in the air and donned dirty berets until an exhausted government threw bricks of dollars at them. They are now quiet; they will return when they need more from our thieves in power. Meanwhile our public universities are still filthy chicken coops where mostly the wrong form of learning takes place. It is now the doctors turn to be outraged. There is money in these things, you know. Like university dons, our doctors work under disgraceful conditions that should be unacceptable for a country like Nigeria. Our public hospitals are mostly huge empty looted halls with imposing titles slapped on their doors. Most young doctors dream of fleeing to the West and they should. Life is too short to be this miserable. It is all a structural problem; our public institutions have not seen much in terms of structural changes since pre-colonial times. They were useful in the 19th century; today they are holding pens and death traps for the disenfranchised. We should ask simple questions: Should government be in the business of owning universities and hospitals? Why? How? Why are things so centralized? Most public hospitals are surrounded by private pharmacies and clinics that rival those in the West in terms of quality and efficiency. Your guess is as good as mine as to who owns those private enterprises. Many of them are pointing at you - with their placards. Hiss.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:55:01 +0000

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