ONLINE BOOK CLUB: CHAPTER 5: Cry If You Want To! In chapter 5 we - TopicsExpress



ONLINE BOOK CLUB: CHAPTER 5: Cry If You Want To! In chapter 5 we discuss what it means to “hold the space.” I tell the story of my favorite yoga teacher and guru, Christy who had a knack for sitting and effortlessly listening to my dramatic tales of woe and victim-hood without fixing me or trying to help me. She just held the space so I could get out whatever emotion I was boiling over with. Its a challenging practice. Both for others and for ourselves. When we see someone crying or in pain, we just want to fix them, but that is really about our need to be that “fixer” person, or our discomfort with conflict, confrontation or pain. The best gift we can sometimes give others, it to just be with them, and let them “fix” themselves. Once we begin to practice this, I think we find there really is nothing to fix. We are just human beings, experiences a broad spectrum of life, emotions and experiences, and none of them are wrong. This week, I challenge us to practice just holding the space for others. And, as an added bonus, let’s practice doing it for ourselves. Don’t you find when you feel “bad” or “off” you immediately want to fix it? Change it? Delete it from your experience? Can you just sit and be with whatever discomfort or pain or emotion, and just breathe. Let’s see what happens when we do...and PLEASE come write, and tell us about it!!!! Spend this week noticing and then bring those observations and revelations back here and share with us all! And don’t forget there is a new meditation waiting for you at natalieroy! Happy space holding!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:18:21 +0000

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