Obama - Suit President Obama gave a press conference the other - TopicsExpress


Obama - Suit President Obama gave a press conference the other day to discuss some critical issues currently facing the world. The war in the middle east, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, the immigration crisis on the southern US border. Just little minor things like that. So what did Fox News and all the other conservative media outlets report? The fact that Obama wore a tan suit. Fox et. al. brought on an endless string of experts who said wearing a tan suit was a sure sign of weakness. Not presidential at all. They all said that Obama was a wimbly-wombly weak-kneed tan-suited president not fit for the world stage. And his appearing in a tan suit was an embarrassment to the great United States O Merica! Praise Jeeeessssus! What Fox News and the other conservative mush-heads failed to mention was that their own god, St. Ronnie Reagan, was fond of wearing tan suits. In fact, the suit Reagan wore most often was lovingly known to the staff as Big Brown, he wore it so often. It was a dark shade of tan. He even occasionally wore a (gasp!) green suit. Other tan-suit wearers included George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Eisenhower, and FDR. The conservatives never noticed that, for some strange reason. Now, I understand that Fox News and the other conservative media hate Obama. They dont just dislike him, they hate him. The visceral, seething, broiling, festering hate the Bible advises against and says is a sin. But it seems to me youre digging pretty deep when all you can comment on when the president talks about the most important issues of the day is the color suit he wears. Fox News has to know that us intelligent Americans, the ones with more than half a brain in our heads, are laughing at them. But then again, the rational, thinking person has never exactly been the Fox News audience. ###
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:25:08 +0000

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