Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Fake Obama’s supporters will - TopicsExpress


Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Fake Obama’s supporters will tell everyone who will listen that Barack Obama produced his real birth certificate in 2011. A single reporter – Savannah Guthrie of NBC news — was allowed to see the “real” document, and then it was scanned as a PDF file and loaded into the internet for everyone to see. As far as the Obama crowd is concerned, that’s the end of the story. The only problem for Obama is that numerous electronic document experts have shown, using steps that anyone can repeat with if they have the proper software, that the document the White House so proudly uploaded is not simply a scanned version of an original paper document. Instead, it’s what’s called a “layered” document. A document that’s scanned will have only one layer, which is the image itself. A “layered,” electronically manipulated document will show one electronic addition after another. The White House’s birth certificate PDF has nine layers. This was an assembled electronic document, not a scanned paper document. Columbia University’s class of 1983 had only 700 students. One of them was Wayne Allen Root. He, like Obama, was in the Political Science department, which had only about 150 graduating students in 1983. What perplexes Root is that none of that small body of students has any memory of Barack Hussein Obama, the striking mixed-race black man who hails Columbia as his alma mater. British National Archives confirm Obama Sr. had a child in 1961 Kenya Once Obama left college and started trying to build a career as a writer, he got himself a literary agent named Acton & Dystel. This company put together a little booklet describing its stable of writers. For Barack Obama’s bio, the agency boasted that Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” It has been revealed that when Obama started at Occidental College (before he supposedly transferred to Columbia) he used the name Barry Sotero and, quite possibly, was already claiming then to be of Kenyan birth. Obama was either lying then or he’s lying now In an article about the extraordinarily expensive African visit the Obamas took, Yahoo! News included this sentence: “President Barack Obama makes the first extended trip to Africa of his presidency next week — but he won’t be stopping at the country of his birth.” Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse concluded that both Obama’s long-form birth certificate (prominently displayed at the White House website) and his selective service card are forgeries. Obama’s selective service card bears a number showing that it was issued in 2008. There at least five Social Security numbers associated with men named Barack H. Obama who lived in at addresses associated with President Barack H. Obama. Alabama Supreme Court reviewed shocking evidence that Obama’s birth certificate is likely a forgery.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 06:45:10 +0000

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