Oh the Irony in giving tips about making cocktails while nursing a - TopicsExpress


Oh the Irony in giving tips about making cocktails while nursing a hangover. Luckily i have the perfect remedy which i will share with you shortly. First i would like to talk to you about making the perfect cocktail. Im sure everyone here has given it a go at one time or another, im also sure a large number of you also made the mistake of over complicating things, i know i sure did when i was starting out. I wanted to use as many different ingredients as possible and create all the flavour combinations my mind could come up with. Unfortunately alot of the time it just turned into a mess. The reason for this was my lack of understanding of the ingredients i was using, the role that each one played in the drink i was creating and how they worked together with other ingredients. Sure some of my concoctions were good, but i wanted them to be great. So i started to do my research. I began by brushing up on the classic cocktails, Martinis , Manhattans , Negronis etc. If i was going to master cocktails, i needed to start with the ones that have stood the test of time. After trawling the internet, buying pretty much every book under the sun and many many attempted mixes i felt i was ready to learn more about different ingredients and how i could make my own mixes that actually tasted good. I was lucky enough to be working with some fantastic chefs and i didnt hesitate to pick their brains at every opportunity i could. How do you release the flavour from mint ? What is a good combination for orange ? Can you infuse chilli with apple schnapps ??? Normally annoying a chef during service would result in potential death by pointy object, however i found a great way to circumvent this was to trade my concoctions for their knowledge (all consumed off the clock of course). The more i learnt the easier it became to put together delicious cocktails, and i soon found out, it is not the number of ingredients you use that make a good cocktail. Its actually how the ingredients and flavours work with each other. Be it a whiff of mint in a Mojito, or the subtle dryness from the vermouth in a Martini, the key is not to overload the cocktail with too much. Keep it simple and subtle and you will be well on your way to making perfect cocktails every time. Now i believe i promised you the best hangover remedy. Are you ready for it ?? The best hangover cure follows the same principal as making the best cocktails. Dont over do it !! Cheers Everybody Antz #SupSyd #keepitsimple #cocktails
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:28:08 +0000

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