Oh the stress of waiting for a REVIEW to load to read it…EVERY - TopicsExpress


Oh the stress of waiting for a REVIEW to load to read it…EVERY negative thought seems to RACE through my mind…we ALL have different standards and expectations and SOMETIMES we just disagree on things…BUT WHEW, this TIME it was all good. I have always been a person who opens my mouth and WHATEVER pops out, WELL, I have no control over it~~at LEAST that is WHAT I have always told myself…Thankfully, I HAVE come to realize that I DO have control over what comes out of my mouth and NOW off the tips of my fingers and it makes a DIFFERENCE~~both negatively AND positively! I KNOW the intention behind my words, BUT others just don’t ALWAYS get it! I try to read and re-read what I write over and over to make sure it is PLAIN, but sometimes it doesn’t come across that way! My mother and I had MANY tough days TRYING to communicate…SHE would write me letters and leave them on my pillow and they just TICKED me off…they basically ALWAYS said the same thing…I needed to be a lady…I needed to watch my mouth…I needed to BLAH BLAH BLAH and she loved me and wanted ONLY the best for me and there was NO ONE who was more proud of me and BLAH BLAH BLAH…sigh…I could write the letters myself after a while…Once she included an article about a mother who would write her daughter letters and how ONE day she found that the daughter had KEPT the letters in a box…TO THIS DAY I feel GUILTY that Mother THOUGHT that I would keep those stupid letters…I tore them up and threw them away!! Heavier sigh…I KNOW Mother was trying to make me a better person…I KNOW she loved me…I KNOW she was proud of me…BUT I wanted her to TALK to me…Daddy and I could say ANYTHING to each other and ALL was fine, BUT all I seemed to do was make Mother cry. I soon learned NOT to share my feelings with her. I always envied how my brothers and she could just BE together with such freedom…OH, don’t get me wrong, Mother and I had MANY MANY happy moments and times together, BUT it wasn’t as free as with my brothers…BUT there is JUST a special relationship between a Mama and her boys like a Daddy and his girl…BUT when I think of it, MAYBE I became a good writer BECAUSE of the letters…WHO KNOWS…She did the BEST she knew how and she was a WONDERFUL Mother and NO ONE was better at giving us wings that she was…NO ONE encouraged us more than She did and NOBODY loved us more than SHE DID, so for that I am grateful! Mother was SO GENEROUS and ~~both with her TIME and her TALENTS…AND she had impeccable manners…One of the MANY amazing things that she did was to ALWAYS take something to someone…This was a family trait. She was always telling me about Aunt O’Dell (her Daddy’s sister) who NEVER ever went anywhere without taking a gift to the person she was seeing AND NEVER EVER did you go to HER house that you didn’t leave without a small token of some sort…Isn’t that an amazing quality!! I have tried to continue the tradition. ONE of my favorite things that I remember Aunt O’Dell bringing us was a cup that she had gotten out of a box of oatmeal…I THINK that is WHY I learned to love oatmeal because I was always HOPING that I would find a cup just like that!! It was clear, cut glass…I thought it was the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing I had ever seen in my life!! It was because of Aunt O’Dell that I wanted to learn to play the piano…she could tickle those ivories…AND I was also fascinated that she had her piano in a CLOSET at her home…I had never seen a room any smaller, WELL, except for our bathroom that was a converted closet BECAUSE bathrooms were not even IMAGINED when our house was built in 1913! LOL…NEVER pass up an opportunity to do something KIND for someone…the other day I had a note from someone on etsy thanking me for including them in one of my treasuries and they commented they would GLADLY pay me back IF EVER they figured out HOW to make one, SO I had a few moments and just simply went through the process and ONE would have thought I had given them a GOLDEN egg…The act took me just a few minutes, BUT it meant so much to them…I am SO GLAD I took the time to help. JUST think WHAT our one small act can start…ALL because of Aunt O’Dell’s kindness being passed to mother and then to me and then…WHO KNOWS WHAT ONE SMALL ACT will do…BUT be WARNED, negative things SPREAD MUCH faster, SO CHOOSE TODAY WHAT YOU will START!...Just want to remind YOU to take 60 seconds to TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH you LOVE them…Blessings to YOU…~charlotte
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:49:12 +0000

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