Ok. SOAPBOX TIME. I am going to start this off by saying FIRST, I - TopicsExpress


Ok. SOAPBOX TIME. I am going to start this off by saying FIRST, I am not an anti-medicine person. I am not anti-doctors. I am not anti-nurses. Please dont send me hate mail. Thank you. My grandmother yesterday passed out and THANKFULLY (because remember I am not a doctor hater) they were able to get her heart rate back up and they intubated her. Heres the deal. Looks like her heart medicine dose was TOO HIGH OF A MG. Okay, lets talk about this for a second shall we... Do you want to know why the McLeans started using Young Living Oils? FOR THIS STINKIN REASON RIGHT HERE. Oh, I didnt wake up one morning and think. OH MY WORD, I want to join a network marketing company. I didnt wake up one morning and think, I WANT TO GET RICH. I didnt wake up one morning and think, HOW CAN I CLIMB TO THE TOP OF AN MLM STRUCTURE. I woke up one morning and thought HOLY CRAP, I need to know how to take care of my family. PERIOD. That is it. I could have cared less about ranks and money. I wanted to be able to have a GO TO other than a doc in the box and an over the counter med or something a doctor scribbles on a pad that I take to a Walgreens. Listen, if my leg gets chopped off, TAKE ME AND MY LEG to the hospital, BUT if I can have a go to for things that are not life threatening, then you better believe I was passionate about figuring out what those things were. I promise you, with everything that is inside of me, THIS IS WHY WE STARTED USING THE OILS. This is TOTALLY what drives me EVERY SINGLE DAY to not shut my ever loving mouth about them. Trust me. Its not about me reaching a rank. Its about me equipping EVERY PERSON I KNOW with TOOLS they can USE in their lives. Like its a BURNING PASSION deep down in me. Ive reached the highest rank in the company, so trust me, if it were about that I would have shut my mouth and chillaxed and enjoyed life a long time ago. IT IS NOT ABOUT THAT. I talk and I talk and I talk because I want you to be equipped with TOOLS. I see these oils as TOOLS. Tools for a better life. It has been about 19 months since we have used an OTC med or prescription med. 19 months. Again, I am not saying I would neglect my family if I think they needed it...BUT WE HAVENT NEEDED IT. Like not even a motrin, tylenol, gasX, ANYTHING. ANYTHING. Jer took meds for the last 15 years for allergies. UMMMMMMM. Yep. WHAT? So, when I got the word that it looked like a higher than needed dose is what caused this with my grandmother, I was LIVID. Ticked because we will flippin QUESTION natural and FREAK OUT that it may do some harm, but we are just so dang trusting of a medicine that has ten million side effects listed on the package. I WAS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE not long ago. I am not saying that you dont use natural with care, I am just saying its the mindset this world is in today. I probably need to end this rant. But I promise you again, with everything inside of me, THIS IS WHY I TALK ABOUT OILS DAILY. This is why I probably annoy the crap out of you. I dont care if you even order oils from me, (just use YL though), its not about the MONEY, order from whoever the heck you want. I am 100% confident Jer will read this and be like MONIQUE, that was WAY not life giving. I apologize, Im just a little worked up. I am a passionate individual, so forgive me. Its how I roll. I LOVE YOU ALL. I thank you for your prayers for my grandmother. Please continue to pray, she still has a ways to go. AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING PURE AND HOLY IN LIFE. GET YOU SOME OILS. The end.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:05:02 +0000

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